Chapter 2

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@ ander.mnoz : hey Gúzman's throwing a party wanna come? :)

@ lizdominguz : yeah no I mean he doesn't really like me.

@ ander.mnoz : what r u saying? C'mon he doesn't know u

@ lizdominguz : do u?

@ ander.mnoz : at least I'm trying. So u coming or not?

@ lizdominguz : u know what? I'll come! Idc if Guzmán's mad

@ ander.mnoz : the only thing he's gonna be mad about is u wrong spelling his name

@ lizdominguz : yeah well idc I'm not scared of him

@ ander.mnoz : omg you're so courageous 😶😶

@ lizdominguz : r u making fun of me rn?

@ ander.mnoz : i would never 🤐 so I'll pick u up at 8?

@ lizdominguz : yea see ya

Omg now I have to get ready the party is in 2 hours. I spend 20 minutes choosing which dress I wanna wear. The white one will do. We can see my underwear but never mind. I shower, make up and dress up. I have just finished fixing my hair when someone rings. It's him.
"It's for me mom, I scream, I hear the door opening.

- Hijo de puta what are you fucking doing here richos

- Nano i swear you talk to Ander like this again I'm not talking to you for the rest of my life, I say while arriving in the hall. Ander looks at me.

- you're like... pretty, he says

- thanks, I answer, smiling.

- I swear if you touch her you are so fucking dead, says my brother. I grab him by the arm

- I'm gonna kill you

- be careful sis, he says and then goes into his room. My mom arrives

- please don't get my daughter pregnant. Ander laughs, Ill-at-ease

- oh my god mom it's a PARTY!! See y'a" I say while grabbing him by the arm.

"I am so sorry this was so awkward oh my god

- don't worry it's okay I've known worse. We'll walk, it's only 5 minutes away from here.

- okay".
He asks me about my old life. I don't really go into the details. We arrive at the party.
Gúzman walks towards us :
" what the fuck is SHE doing here?

- you told me to invite friends Gúz

- yeah well not THAT type of friends. Oh well now there's her fucking brother and the fucking idiot arriving. Thanks man

- man I didn't invite THEM " I shake my head, disappointed. I thought he wouldn't judge my friends. Well I was wrong. Nadia's arriving. She's beautiful with her new hijab. Gúzman sees her too. He comes towards her.

"Told you he wouldn't like me going to the party, I say

- yeah sorry about that" he answers, putting his hand on the back of his head. I so wanna cuddle his curls. He goes with his friends and waves at me. I wave back. And I go with Nadia. We drink together. A lot. Like a lot lot.
Many drinks later, I see Omar. I walk towards him:

" Hey do you have a little something? I ask to the dealer

- Liz I'm not sure your bro-

- oh man Come onnnnnnn, I say while showing him my money. He gives the pills to me and takes the bill.

- you're drunk he says.

- maybe? " I say and I laugh.

A few moments later, I'm walking alone. Everyone is talking to someone except for me. I'm bored. Suddenly, someone pushes me and I fall in the pool. I start swimming and I don't see Ander watching me. Nadia sees me and arrives :
" Liz what are you doing?

- I'm swimming can't you see ? I sigh. Look I can see the stars it's so beautiful.

- are you drunk?

- meeeee?? Naaaaaaaaah!i answer

- oh my god Liz I can't with you! Did you take something from my brother?

- I won't talk without my lawyer! I hysterically laugh.

- fuck you're drunk AND drugged. I can't stand you Liz. Get out of the pool. Now !

- Nooooo Nadia I'm so happyyyyyyy

- ok I'm done trying, she says

- it's okay I'll get her, says a voice. It's Ander

- COME ON ! I can't have fun with neither of you, I say

- she's drunk, says Nadia

- ok "
Then I hear a noise. I turn my head and I see Ander swimming. He's coming towards me.

" See Nadia? At least HE came to have fun with me! he pulls me against his chest and carries me. Oooohh muscles, i say. " he laughs.

Next thing I know, we're upstairs, in a room. He puts me on the ground.
" THANK YOU! You were really uncomfortable you know. And then I take my dress off. He laughs, surprised.

- what are you doing, you're still drunk.

- noooooo i swear !! (I really wasn't, I was more drugged than drunk at that moment)

- okay I believe you" he laughs and puts his phone on the table. I'm still in my underwear. I can see he's looking at me with attention.
Then he smiles, shakes his head and walks towards me. He starts kissing me. I don't hesitate and kisses him back. It's wild. I help him taking off his shirt. He pushes me violently on the bed and kisses me again. I start to laugh and put my hands on his abs. Then on his boxer. He suddenly stops kissing me:
" What ? I giggles.

- You're still drunk

- noooo I already told you that. He looks into my eyes. I can literally see his soul.

- Fuck Liz you're drugged that's even worse. "
He gets up, disappointed and grabs violently his shirt. Then he takes his phone and I can see he's doing something but I can't see what.

" What are you doing?i ask

- I. Am taking you dry clothes and bringing you back home.

- you're so funny

- and you're drugged. Come on put my shirt on. I obey. It smells so good.

- you're shirtless, I say.

- I don't care Come on "he grabs my arm.

Back home, he rings. Nano opens :
"son of a bitch why are you half-naked?

- she was drugged. You better kill who gave her the drugs, believe me, I'm as disappointed as you. Then he disappears.

- please don't tell this to mom, I implore

- I am so going to kill you. And Omar. I know he was the one who gave it to you.

- noooo I told him to. Please don't be mad at him."
He brings me to bed, kisses my forehead and closes the door. I start sleeping, thinking of what would have happened if Ander hadn't seen I was on drug.

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