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Katsuki POV
That was the first thing I heard this morning. "This is going to be a fun morning..." I sighed as I threw myself off of my bed then grabbed my black shirt and put it on while headed to the elevator to check out what was going on.

I walked in and pushed the 1 button and waited for fuckin EVER for the damn door to just CLOSE. Then I realized that I could've just pressed the close door button.

Once the elevator stopped and opened its doors I walked out to the kitchen and saw Pikachu, shitty hair and Deku. Pikachu was sobbing and Shitty hair had a box of Fruit Loops in his hand while Deku was talking to Pikachu, tryin to calm him down.

"Its gonna be all right, Kaminari! We can just go to the store and get more!"



"Thanks, Midoriya!! You are the best!!" Pikachu grabbed Deku and pulled him into a hug.

Now THAT bothered me.

I don't like admitting it, but I have the HUGEST crush on the nerd. Ever since we were little, I loved him with all my heart.

But shit. I can't express my feelings right. Even if I do, I either blow up or turn into a blushing mess. And trust me, it ain't fun. Especially when you're supposed to be the soon to be #1 hero and the best of all. The worst part, is when someone catches me. And if its Deku, then he gets all curious and kind. Which makes it EVEN WORSE.

Anyway, as I saw Deku hugging Pikachu back, that set me off like a bomb.


"OI, PIKACHU!! GET YOUR DIRTY MITTS OFF OF DEKU BEFORE I BLOW YOUR FACE UP!!" I yelled while shooting explosions from my hands.

"EEK!" They both sounded like little girls. That made me blush because fucking Deku sounded so fucking cUTE! Pikachu, on the other hand... just sounded like a dying whale. But when I heard Deku I felt my face turning hot. Deku ALWAYS made me a blushing mess.

I walked towards the coffee machine but had to stop because Deku was in the way.

We stared at each other for a long time. I didn't want it to end! His beautiful, sparkly Earth-like eyes. He was like my Earth to me. My whole world. Too bad I couldn't have him.

As we gazed into each others eyes, I thought I saw Deku blush. I mean, I know I did for a fact. Then that's when it killed me.

The little nerd smiled at me. It was so adorable, its like I couldn't take it. It made my heart melt. I felt a LOT of heat on my face this time.

"Kacchan? Is there anything wrong? Do you need anything?"

Uh, yeah, YOU.  I thought to myself. "Wh-what?? Y-you need m-me?? Kacchan. are you-" well SHIT I said it aloud!! Shit, I need to think of something quick, before he says it!

"I... need you... to MOVE YOUR ASSES SO I CAN GET SOME COFFEE DIPSHITS!!" I screamed at them as they scrambled out of the way screaming. Well, that worked, I thought, making sure I did NOT say it out loud and embarrassing myself even more, but also thinking about how I could've said that a LITTLE less explosive. Out, when will I ever, truly learn? I let out a little sigh.

I made black coffee and grabbed some caramel to put in, and that always makes the drink super good, in my opinion. 

"Anyway, don't worry. We will go to the store to get you some more mini wheats. Then you can be happy again!!"Shitty hair told Pikachu.

"Yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyyyyy!!!" is all Pikachu could say.

"Anyway, I need new hair dye and Crisco to keep my hair up the spikey way-"

"Well then, should we go?

"Sure, why not??"

And off Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest went, having me be back into the silence, which was amazing. But I couldn't look into Dekus eyes, which sucks.

I really should have said good morning, or hello!, like a normal, civilized human being instead of exploding.

I heard the doors to the dorms slam and saw Deku running my direction. What should I do, pretend I didn't see him? Reach out my arms to hug him? Yell at him?? I was about to decide the first one, but then he ran right past me and yelled out, "I FOUND IT!!" while holding his All Might wallet in the air.

"K, good! Lets go Bro!"

Right as Deku ran past me, he gave me a big fucking smile and a wake goodbye, which made me DIE.

There are a lot of times where I just want to tell him he's cute and that I love him, but I don't have the guts to do it.

Sure, I was a strong person that isn't afraid of anything. But every hero has a weakness.

And mine is the stupidly cute nerd.

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