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Izuku POV

"Kacchan?!" I yelled.

 "OI RACOON EYES! FLOATY BITCH!! WHAT WAS ALL OF THAT ABOUT?!" he yelled at them while holding his phone near his face.

Uraraka's face turned red. Ashido just looked away.

"WELL?!" Kacchan yelled again.

Ashido and Uraraka started whispering to each other. I kept seeing them nod their heads and then they turned to us. What they said made my heart drop.

Kirishima POV bitches

I couldn't believe my manly ears when Mina and Ochaco said they were dating. But I thought it was pretty cool, and I felt happy for them. Mina always would talk about Ocha, so I always thought she had a secret crush on her, especially when she told us she was Bi.

I suddenly remembered that Midori told me that he liked Ocha. I looked over at him. I felt so bad for him. He looked like someone just killed a puppy for no reason. Then I looked over at Bakubro. He was shook, but then he just smiled. He grabbed his phone and texted someone. I realized that person was me.

I grabbed my phone to see what he said. 

Now I am shook.

But not...

Bakubro: Deku is now FREE!! MAYBE HE WILL FALL FOR ME!!!!

The Rock: But he still isn't gay or bisexual. 

Bakubro: Fuck you

He's such a drama queen.

(Just saying I have an 8 hr trip tomorrow and it is LATE so heheh... This'll be FUN)

I look back to Midori, watching him get up. I saw a sparkle roll down his cheek. I then noticed he was holding in his tears. He was doing good, though. I shot a sympathetic look over to him, and he just smiled and shook his head.

"Hey, I'm gonna get a bite to eat. See you."

" and congrats. " 

POOR MIDO!!! I wanna help, since he's always been helping me, but he refused. 

Kami then shouted out, "Hey, for a celebration, I'll get everyone a present here! Less than 10 bucks though I'm not made of money,"

 He is made of beauty and a extraordinary heart. His blonde, messy hair and his sparkly, bright eyes could make anyone fall for him I'm sure. I just wish I could fall deep into his gaze...




Deku's daddy~

I honestly felt bad for the little shit. His crush was lesbian, so that must've broke his fragile, cute little heart. I wish I could give him a hug to take his worries away.

He would probably scream and call 911...

Maybe not.

I looked up and saw a bouncing green fluff heading to the elevator. Since he said he was getting a bite, he was probably heading to the Super Hero store on the 3rd floor.

So, I went over to the stairs and went to the third floor. Soon enough, I see him walk into the Super Hero store. And as expected, he ran right to the All Might corner.


The memories are here!

'Come on, Izuku! There is this super cool new place here! 

What is it?

A hero store! I heard there is a WHOLE corner of All Might things!



Uwah!!!! A clip of his recent fight!

He's so cool!

One day, we're going to be hero's!

But, what if we can't be friends because of it?

We'll team up! So don't worry!

I'm excited!'

Man, wish I could go back being a kid. But, I ruined my reputation, and its not like I can change it. If I were to to back being normal,

The FBI would be involved...



I look over and see him vetting excited over an action figure of him. He grabbed his wallet, but then frowned. I took a peek and saw that he didn't have much. 

My plan,

Wait till he leaves the spot, get it, then buy it for him. As well as a nice plate of Katsudon.

He walked away, looking all down. I wanted to cry. ME! But it was so heartbreaking, I couldn't.

I quickly grabbed what I needed, bought it, and left. I followed him to the food court stealthily, and watched him plop down in a booth. I bought his plate of Katsudon and quickly went over to him.

"Hey nerd. Quit mopin. It aint gonna help you become a hero, thats for sure," I yelled out to him as I put the plate in front of him. "Eat. You need it. Oh, and..." I took out the figure and watched his smile grow bigger and bigger.

It was too cute, I didn't know what to do.

"I got this for myself," I quickly said.

He frowned.

Shit. I need to stop that.

"I'm kidding, idiot. I don't want crap like this. Consider you lucky."

His bright, beautiful smile came back. I couldn't help it.

"Your mom wants a picture of you to see how you are doing," I lied.

"Huh? Okay then!"

I took a picture with his beautiful smile, and pretended to send it to his mom. I instead sent it to Broom head, telling him everything is going smoothly.

He replied with a thumbs up.

Didn't want to talk to him anyway.

I was with the best person ever.

We talked about hero's, villains, recent fights, stuff like that. I learned more and more about him. It was fun to catch up with him.

"Hey Kacchan, why are you being nice to me? "

 "Reasons ,"

" Tell me, "


" I won't get mad, "

"Yeeeeess you will,"

" Noooooo I won't, "


 "Nope, "

" Really? "

"Yes! Please tell me!!"

" Fine, "


"Go on,"

" I... Felt bad that your crush is going out with a girl. You seem really sad and... You looked like you needed to be happy again, "

"It worked-"

"In other words I like you, "

SHiT i jUSt saId ThAt DIdnT I

I started to blush. I looked up at him. His face was full of shock.

"I... Don't know what to say... Kacchan... I... " Tears dwelled up in his beautiful, green eyes.

His secret... He never told anyone... He might tell me... It seems like it...

 "... I... I..." 

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