The final showdown

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Everyone is getting out of the show.
Kiara:Bring it on you furry son of a gun!!! She hits Fleegle with a baseball bat and Drooper grabs Kiara in the neck and toss her on the floor.
Fleegle:Hey Drooper! Mail's here!!!
Foxy:Dragon karate kick!!!! She use her legendary karate kick at Fleegle and knock him out. Fleegle became unconscious.
Tray:Foxy!!! You need to get out of here!!!!
Foxy:Kiara! Tray! Look out!!!!
Drooper:(Roars) Drooper scratched Kiara in the sleeve.
Kiara:Don't worry!!!! He only scratch my sleeve. I should be fine!!!! Drooper grabbed her neck and choking her to death.
Tray:Hey!!!!! Tray hits Drooper with with a hammer and knocks him out. Drooper became unconscious.
Kiara:(Panting) Gee thanks.
Foxy:Bingo and Snorky are here!!!!
Kiara:And Bingo's got a ax!!!!
Bingo:Time's almost up.
Foxy:Prepare for the ultimate Indian dragonfly Japanese punch!!!! She punches Bingo and Snorky and knocked them unconscious.
Tray:Wow. Got that one on video. This video will never be deleted.
Henry:Great job knocking them down. Now I need to fix them. In his place he is programming the banana splits back to normal.
Foxy:Fleegle? Drooper? Bingo? Snorky? Is that you banana splits?
Drooper:Don't be shy. Let's become friends.
Bingo:We don't want to hurt you. Come along. Let's be friends.
Foxy:Banana splits!!!! I'm so happy that you are back to normal!!!!
Henry:You're welcome kid. Kiara, Tray, and Foxy. From now on I will become your new Dad. And Addie will become your new sister.
Kiara:Thank you so much.
Spicy:(Barking happily)
Foxy:That's the spirit!!! We finally have a new Dad and a new sister!!!!
Kiara:Best night ever!!!!!
[The end]

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