They Confess (part 1)

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There was cheering, confetti, and the waving of the American flag everywhere. A triumph that was sure to make headlines, team USA brought home the gold. You were celebrating in the crowd with your mother and he looked straight for you with that smile you absolutely adore. Running into the stands he makes his way to your seats before swooping you into a hug and twirling you while all you could manage to conjure was a fit of giggles. To your surprise he plants you on the firmly on the ground then begins to pepper your face with kisses. "Charlie" you say as you cup his face and giggle. "Forgive me for being so bold my lady but do the honor of becoming more than just a crush." You couldn't turn down his offer especially not after that, so you rapidly nod your head yes, at loss for words. Not before hearing a loud voice shout across the ice "CHARLIEEEE"
In sync you two reply with "uh-oh".

It was supposed to be nothing more than a lazy Sunday and you were just watching some cartoons before you got a call from Adam that your presence was "urgently required". Weird right? You complied nonetheless waking nextdoor to his house. Knocked on the door to find his mother with a more giddy expression than normal on her face and with such a sweet tone, "C'mon in dear Adam's in the backyard waiting for you." With a nod and a smile I thank her, and walk through the open sliding glass doors to find an empty backyard. "HEY!" I whip around to see Adam up on the roof holding a boom box playing as corny as it was "boyfriend" by Justin Bieber (I know just for the story's sake go with it). I just stood there in awe and shock with this goofy grin splayed across your face because all the ducks were holding a banner above Adam's boombox that said "Be my girlfriend? Check yes or no." And with the biggest smile he could muster he asked "WELL?" "Of course goofy, now get off the roof before you all hurt something." You laughed.

It was a cold winter Saturday in Minnesota and it was going to be a wonderful weekend for you... Until Lester Averman decided today was the day he caught a virus. Your mother couldn't stay because she had work yet again but left you a list of what to do, a lot that did. You were stuck with a whiny big brother who didn't take pain worth a dang. But in the middle of lysoling the whole living room you heard the knock of someone on the other side of the apartment door. Grabbing your step stool you peeked through the peep hole to see none other then Guy holding a container of his mother's famous chicken noodle soup. You immediately opened the door after moving your step stool you say with a smile "that for me?" He walks in and you shut the door, "you can have some I think mom made enough for a week, I tried to tell her he could only eat toast, bacon, and red apples though." "Guy thank you so much" you say without even thinking you step towards him kissing his cheek. At this point he froze up and a blush had swept over his cheeks and ears. "Oh Guy, I'm sorry I didn't.." he interrupted you to say. "Nonono it's okay... I was going to come over here to ask you something while dropping off the soup but you paved the way with that kiss." Out of curiosity and habit you raise your eyebrow and respond with your natural "huh?" "When you aren't busy do you think we could go on a date?" Shocked, nervous, and had a urgent sense to throw up you still managed to keep your composure and smile. "I'd love nothing more." "DO I SMELL SOUP?!" " Go back to bed Lester!" You and guy shout in unison. (I know everyone calls him Averman but for the story guys)

Just a regular shift at the pizza parlor, at least that was the impression you had because after all it had been a slow day. You were a little discouraged because you didn't see Lester at work or coming in with the ducks for late lunch pizza specials like they usually do, made your brain go to the worst places known to worried women everywhere. Until you heard the hostess up front say "Hey Averman, oooo looking sharp." You turn around to see a petrified Lester Averman in a suit holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. You walk over to him tucking your arms behind your back to hide how nervous you were and to refrain from giving him a tackling hug. "Before you say anything (y/n) I want you to know this is the hardest thing I've done in my life without fainting first. But I'd like you to attend a dance with me, because well... I think your the most perfect being ever created to walk the face of the Earth." Little beknownst to you everyone had stopped eating to watch the spectacle and had raised and invoice of "aaaawwwww's" "So watcha think?" He asked grinning timidly. "How could I say no?" You say with a smile before kissing his nose and grabbing the flowers to smell.

Another day another backpack filled to the zipper with homework but you weren't going to complain about the stop to Goldberg's deli with your dad, you desperately needed an ice cream to numb away the zombie hours of the day. So your father and you both sit down to order but instead of the usual waitress bringing out your food you see none other than Greg Goldberg handling the tray of food and desert. He sets the tray down on the table next to us narrating the placement "dinner special for the dad, and a special order for..." As if he was embarrassed he looks down not saying another word setting your bowl of ice cream in front of you before running to the back of the kitchen. You look down at your ice cream and in chocolate syrup it was a heart with your name and xoxo's. You look up at your father in shock and he nods as if to tell you "go get em tiger". You run back into the kitchen even against the cashiers wishes and find Goldberg with his head in his hands sitting on a chair with his mom comforting him. "Knock knock" you say. "Who's there?" he responds kinda detached. "The girl who would like to properly thank you for such a lovely gesture" he looks up quickly in shock. "So... Would it be inappropriate to tell you I'm interested in you coming with me to see a movie this weekend... As more than a friend?" "Pick me up at 6" and with a wink you turned away and walked out of the kitchen before you could see the boy leap out of his chair and start awkwardly dancing for joy.

You and Jesse were hanging out playing a little one on one street puck trying to help you one up the other boys but something seemed off with Jesse. He was zoning out in mid skate, and glancing at you then looking away when you turned to look at him. "Jesse is something wrong... Did I do something because honestly I don't remember what it was" he looked up surprised "of course not I've just been thinking." "About" "so there's this girl..." You roll your eyes and put a finger up to his mouth to hush him "upbubup, I don't wanna hear it if you haven't figured out how to tell her yet you may be doomed. I've tried to help you so many times with her just be upfront with he..." "She's you." He interjected between your rant in order to drop a bomb... Wich completely shut your fuctioning brain down. "It's okay if you don't..." Before he could say another peep you grab him by his collar and plant a full kiss right on his lips. You pull away with him a stammering mess, "well you were taking to long so I took matters in my own hands if that's okay" to tell him with a smirk. He sends one back your way and kisses your cheek "I'm not complaining am I?"
You helping your grandfather around his shop was a wonderful way to find yourself becoming closer and learn more about the years you missed being away from Hans for so long.
So you would head to the shop first thing after school, however this time was different. Russ showed up walking through the door right up to your register "I need your help with something." You gave him a questioning look "what's up?" He looks all around like someone would hear him and find out America's most classified secrets. "I need you as a tutor, I know you've got a lot on your plate but your the only person who knows this stuff as well as the teacher." You raise an eyebrow at his words "what's the subject and what's in it for me." Little did he know you'd have done it for nothing but you had to get your digs in somehow. "Algebra, and... I've been wanting to check out a new restaurant in town and I could use a beautiful date such as yourself to keep me company." "That your way of saying your interested Tyler?" "It is especially if you accept my offer." He replies with a wink. "Friday night at 7 don't be late." You smile with a kiss to his cheek.

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