They Confess (part 2)

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You managed to convince your parents to spend the week in L.A. for the final Junior Goodwill  hockey games to watch and cheer on ken and his new team and you must admit they worked well together for almost complete strangers. It was after the game against Germany and he'd invited  you to get a bite to eat with the ducks, which your parents happily agreed as long as you came back before 12. You all decided to eat at a burger joint courtesy of the bash brothers and "Hopalong Gretzky". With everyone sat down and ready to order the waitress moves down the table asking what everyone would like to eat, she stops at ken who was sitting across the table from you. He beckoned her down to whisper something in her ear and she looked quizzical but she stood up and nodded her head taking everyone else's orders before leaving. You tried to ask Ken about what he said but he shrugged and said it was a surprise. So when she brought back everyone's food which for you was a 1/2 pound burger with a side of fries but there was a napkin in the fries. Out of curiosity you pulled out the napkin and you read "We go together like french fries and ketchup, don't you think?" the waitress then proceeds to provide you with a bottle of ketchup that you pour over your fries. Afterwards you were smitten, looking up at him with hearts in your eyes because food was the way to your heart and that sir... Was  beautifully put. Corny? Yes absolutely but it's sweet nonetheless. Not really cluing the ducks in you just look up, nod while biting a french fry, and smile at him. "Yes!" He says before fist pounding the air above him narrowly missing a waiter holding a tray of drinks.

It's been a minute since you've seen Dwayne and everyone around missed that boy. You especially, things were starting to get kind of dull without him and in all honesty you were tired of doing all the grunt work  that was once Dwayne's. But your parents yelling for you across the yard broke you out of your trance then resulted in you happily leaning the pitchfork against the barn wall before walking up to the house. You walk in the front yard with your head down not paying attention and the next thing you know your being tossed over a broad and firm shoulder getting spun around. You dizzily punched whoever's back you were facing "Watch it pal your hands dangerously close to my personal bidness!" You both come to a stop and a familiar voice pops off "but you let me do this all the time as a kid is this your of telling me you didn't miss me (y/nn)?" You snap your head up, only one person knew that nickname, DWAYNE! You push yourself off his back before latching him into a koala hug where he had to support you. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN (d/nn)?!" "Bit of everywhere but I was just asking your folks if we can use the old cabin up on the hill for a celebration camp trip for the winners of the Junior Goodwill hockey games." Your mouth was agape, at loss for words but Dwayne could tell you were happy for him. He smiled wide, scratching the back of his neck before asking you, "and I was hoping you'd come as my plus one...?" You snap your head immediately to your parents who in response state "we've already given the go-ahead now go inside and get packed we're driving everyone there in an hour." You smiled widely and gave them rapid set of nods, turning back to Dwayne he takes your hand and gives you a light kiss on your knuckles. You walk away with butterflies in your gut flying around like it was the equivalent to Nascar you look up and say "Thank you"

You were still in town hanging out with Julie, going to practice with her, and especially learning to skate less and less like a dying swan. Needless to say you enjoy your time when Fulton's teaching you how to skate for such an intimidating guy he's suprisingly sweet. Even when you knocked him to the ground learning to stop he still was kind to you. But today he seemed like he was lost in thought, you would be talking and he'd be looking down lost in thought. "Fulton are you okay?" No response. "Fulton?" You skate slowly towards him, waving a hand in his face. "Hello?" He jumps and almost knocks the both of you down. "Damn I'm sorry (y/n)" "it's okay no harm no foul" he looks down  embarrassed, his ears tinted red. "Something on your mind?" He nods mumbling to where he thought you wouldn't hear "you". "What about me?" His head snaps up the color drained from his face in disbelief of giving himself away. "I... Uh, I mean um." You smile and raise an eyebrow to encourage him. "I just... I've been thinking of asking you to, you know?" "How bout a movie? Say 6, then we go out to eat?" He smiles relieved, "that's a date"

"Bash sisterrrrr" with a roll of your eyes and a swift spin of your body you respond to the current PIMA across the way from you in the locker room "yes Dean?" he smiles so smugly, you know the kind that makes you want to pop the back of someone's head? "What's your plans for the weekend, moping? Sitting on the couch to eat a quart of ice cream? Or you know... you could go on a date with me" you were taken aback to say the least because when was dean known to express interest in anyone, especially you. Though however you did recompose yourself in order to point out, "And why would I do that Dean? Half of that statement was practically an insult." his confident facade suddenly faltered and he looked almost guilty for the things he said. "Look I'm sorry I came off as a dick but I didn't know how to ask and I got advice from a friend." You give him a skeptical look and raise an eyebrow, "What friend? And what made you think that tactic could possibly work?" he rubs the back of his neck, "Russ said that if I wanted a girl to want to go out with me I had to make it seem like an offer you couldn't refuse. But clearly he was wrong on that. So cut me some slack will ya I'm not good with... mushy stuff." You manage a small smile partly because the Dean Portman just admitted he fancied you, partly because he thought Russ was the romance guru, and partly because he referred to it as "mushy stuff." So you decide "what have I got to loose?". "Okay Dean try again, this time be a bit less aggressive with it its not hockey." he sighs exasperated looking at you with pleading eyes, "Date? please?". You couldn't help but chuckle at his position, "Of course bash brother, see why didn't you just start with that?"

AN: I know I left out the final three but give me a while because between migraines and adulting I almost barely finished this much. But give me another 2-3 days and I'll have a part b to part 2. Also (Y/nn) and (D/nn) stands for your nickname and Dwayne's nickname... ya know whichever you prefer. 

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