Dating _ would involve_ (part 1)

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-Avoiding your dad's glares
-Standing on your tiptoes to kiss his nose.
-Cheering him on at games
-Movie nights with bomb food, cuddles, and kisses.

-Walking to each other's house alllll the time
-Trying to convince him to play hooky so you can both go on a date.
- Wearing his jersey and making it look bitchin
-Him always having his arm around your waist and his face in the crook of your neck.

-Brother 3rd wheeling on almost every date
- Him always bringing you chicken soup from his mom
-Him coming over after practice and laying on your torso while you run your hands through his hair and he ends up falling asleep on you.
-Giving you piggyback rides on the ice after a game.

-Him coming to walk you home when you both get off work.
-Holds your hand then brings your conjoined hands up to kiss the back of yours.
-Stealing his glasses to see how blind he really is cause it's fascinating
-Making puns all the time

-Him constantly making you food.
-BEST CUDDLES. (Cause we big boys and girls know where it's at)
-cupping his face and peppering it with kisses.
-Him getting embarrassed because of the cat calls the team gives when you both kiss.

-Him letting you skate in his pads out of amusement.
-Calming him down when someone tries to pick a fight
-Disney Marathons
-Unexpected love notes

-Him showing you off a lot  calling you "his girl"
-Playful roasting
-Him making it up to you cause he made you cry during said roasting
-Sitting in a park bench and point out the wierd stuff and people you see

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