We Were Skinny Dipping - Dwayne

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Stars, a full moon, water in perfect alignment to where you couldn't see where the sky ended and where the sweet oasis began. But you weren't focused on that, in that moment all that mattered was the view placed in front of you. Standing in a sundress with your hair in twin dutch braids resting on your shoulders to Dwayne you've never looked more perfect and it reflected right off his face.

He was waist deep in the water wearing nothing but a smile, teasing you with the build of his body that had filled out beautifully over the years. He wasn't a boy anymore he was all man strong torso, large arms, tall and handsome. Over the years you had changed in his eyes as well and the happiness spread on his face when he saw you again whispering in your ear as he hugged you, "You're more beautiful than how I left you my love." Water disguising just enough for the imagination to run wild. Late night mischief with the boy you love, what better way to celebrate your anniversary? You had both grown up, that was needless to say both seniors that were fixing to graduate high school and it was his first night back home for the summer. How could you resist a special night to commemorate your best years together.

When he'd originally shown up at your window asking you to sneak out to the woods you couldn't help but think this man was crazy, "I promise you it's worth the worry." He told you with that beautiful grin he always sported so you entertained the idea. "Come in (y/n) the water feels amazing" you couldn't help but blush because you've seen Dwayne naked but never like this. This time he wasn't covering up and shy about it and it wasn't you seeing all of him by accident. You didn't want to let him feel left out but didn't mean you weren't nervous, "Dwyane... I don't know there could be turtles, snakes, anything could come up right now and bite me or you in the ass." He shakes his head smiling, "You know as well as I do that's bull they hate cold water." as he says teasingly this he starts to swim back to the grass where you stand. He was definitely a man now and the bottom half of his frame just as beautiful as the top. He looks down at you lovingly when he reaches you and kisses the top of your head before leaning down to kiss your shoulder making his way to your lips. Locked in passion and close embrace eventually he pulls away from you and looks you in the eyes knowingly. Slowly he touches the only thing standing in between you and full nude. He lightly pulls the strings to your sundress undone and lets them slip from your shoulders letting your dress fall. Looking up at him his eyes weren't full of lust or of desire they held something sweeter... like a tender love. In this moment you knew and you didn't need to cover yourself because you weren't ashamed, around Dwyane this was a comfort because you knew he wanted this.

He took your hand in his and led you towards the water. Now both of you wearing nothing but a smile in the cold spring water you couldn't help but have a splash war and result in Dwyane picking you up and throwing you back in the water. The night was perfect and so was Dwyane, hair all wet while holding it's curls, and his lean frame showing just enough from above the water to draw you closer to him and wrap your arms around his neck. You looked up at his eyes filled with adoration and love and tenderly kissed his lips. When you pulled away you kept your lower bodies pressed close together and the heat was indescribable and even with the cold of the water on your skin you needed a release of such heat. Laying your head on his chest you whispered "I'm ready."He held your chin up to look at him and asked you gently "Are you sure?" You nodded and pulled him closer by the back of his neck in order to kiss him sweetly once more. Smiling into the kiss he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours before saying "jump" to which you obliged, confused but you obliged. Ripples and small waves forming around your now entwined bodies, with his arms and hands holding you up by your thighs you leaned into him, laying your head on his shoulder kissing his neck. You could feel his thumbs rubbing circles on the back of your thighs. Dwayne angles his head to look down at you smiling and before you could blink you feel a swift movement of his hips. It was almost too much to bear... almost that is almost as if your bodies were made with others in mind. It didn't stop either of you from groaning in pleasure either. Dwayne kept a slow and steady pace because he wanted to let you adjust but all you could focus on was the pleasurable shock waves being sent through your body. With heavy breath all you could manage to say was,"more, please" and with no hesitation Dwayne would oblige. Everything was sheer heaven and nothing less, Dwayne in his entirety under the beautiful moonlit night with stars illuminating the rippling water. The whole time he's looking at you with lidded eyes full of lust and adoration and you can't help but feel like you're the most special person in the world in this moment. Dwayne gives you a half smile and states "I can't last much longer." and you said a heavy "Neither can I." and so he picked up the pace and within moments the pressure built up over this time became too much to bear. You felt a pulse deep in your abdomen and an incredible feeling of weightlessness before Dwayne pulled away whispering "oh fuck". Both sets of your lidded eyes met before a deep, passionate kiss and bodies wrapped so close you could feel his heartbeat against your chest. You both separated for one instant and before you could think to say anything else you both simultaneously say "I love you".

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