Chapter 14: Lost Lover

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(Jiyoda Kotrya Feza - GT 0932 168)

"It has been three days and we still haven't left Rayleah!" I said angrily that I didn't have an excuse to purge heathens.

"That's because we still don't know where to start." Rolund said as he looked through a book. We were in the library of Unil Kastle trying to find any documentation of this "Allen Salvdan Sniperian" who was likely dead by now.

"Ileen you won't find any information about him in there." I said as she was clearly reading a book that had nothing related to Allen from what Salien had told us.

"It's all so interesting though!" she said.

"Your not in school anymore, you don't have to keep learning silly facts." I said.

"Well you could help read through these books to find information too, it'll help us get through this faster." Rolund said to me.

"I'm not the reading type." I said rolling my eyes. "While you two nerds keep going through these plant obituaries; I'm going to look around outside."

I got up from leaning on the pillar and headed towards the balcony. Opening up the doors I walked out and proceeded to spread my wings. I then took to the air as I kept ascending higher and higher to try and find anything of interest. The city slowly shrunk below me as the neighboring hills turned downward to the north was a large mountain range, to the east was a vast forest, the city itself seemed to have been built into a jungle that has mostly become one with the city, south of the forest was a vast desert, surprising how this world hosted many biomes of vastly different qualities near one another.

To the west was the great beach and ocean, directly south of the city was a nice grasslands. As I flew a little bit higher I noticed a snowy tundra peeking behind the mountain. I directed my search towards the grasslands hoping to find something that would interest me. Then I remembered that Salien described that Allen had lived here, so logically he must have had a house somewhere around here! Now searching each and every building on this planet would be a long and likely fruitless cause, perhaps Salien would know where he had lived and maybe we can get a clue there!

I dived down back towards the castle balcony as I landed like a true champion of flight. "Salien would likely be getting ready to go out by now. Judging what she has done the past two days." I walked past the nerds still deep in their books as I headed to the grand hall. I saw one of the robed ones, the ones that seem to work closely with Salien, and proceeded to ask them, "Do you know where your queen is? I need to ask her a question."

"She should only be a minute, she is still getting dressed."

"Dressed now? It's almost noon!"

"She was taking a bath."

"Oh. Well I guess I'll just wait here then."

A few minutes later the large doors opened as Salien walked out into the room.

"Hey down here! I wanted to ask you a question!" She was tall, way to tall, koopews shouldn't be able to grow that high, great yovloi like myself should've had that ability if anyone were to.

"Yes Miss Feza?" She said in her annoying and what felt fake, accent.

"Do you remember where Allen lived? While he stayed here, back in the day."

"I never told you three? How thick of me! It has been kept in mostly the same state as he left it south of the Morline, near the southern edge of Mellow Plains, neighboring Anvil Kanyon. The door should have a blue S upon it."

"Do you have keys for it? So we can look around inside for anything?"

"Oh you don't need keys, he never put a lock on it because Rayleah was pretty much the safest place in the galaxy back then."

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