Chapter 19: Take Me Home

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(Ileen Von Derk - GT 0932 184)

Knock, knock, knock.

We, we are not that bad are we? Why can't we all just get along? We don't need this pain, we don't need this pain, we don't-

Knock, knock, knock.

"Huh? Come... Come in." I muttered as I sat with my legs up on my bed. Moments later the door slid open.

Rolund was there peeking through the door. "Do you need anything? You have been in your room for over a whole day now."

"I'm... I'm fine." I muttered.

"Do you need to talk about it?" He said concerningly, "I have been with you long enough I know when you are not fine." he paused for a moment before continuing. "Look I'll get you a cup of water and we can talk."

"I... I guess I am kind of thirsty..." I said. He closed the door as I was left alone once more. So much needless violence. So much death. Why does the galaxy have to be like this?

Knock, knock, knock.

I looked up once more to see the door slide open as Rolund walked in with a cup of water. "Here, let's get your mind through this. Being hydrated is half the battle." he said giving me the cup before sitting down next to me.

After sometime of us just sitting beside one another and taking a sip of water, he spoke up. "You know, I was scared for my life as well."

"Why can't everyone just get along? It'd be so much more peaceful, and better off for everyone."

"I have to agree with you there. But life is irrational, crazy, whatever you want to call it. Logic and cooperation can be damned at times under the umbrella of red herrings. Morals, bias, nationality, hell even disagreements can bring out the worst in us. Sometimes there can be no reason, and that I'd say is even worse!"

"Sometimes I doubt Elviniah exists, and with the Deum talking through those in charge, even they seem distant."

"They express themselves in different, and arguably confusing ways, but I can tell you that Elviniah exists with complete certainty."

"It's just that, I don't want to die."

"I suppose that is true, but eventually death comes to us eventually. Luckily for you, you are a pew, so you don't have an artificial timer counting down till then. I have to deal with the fact that I'll grow old one day and die an old man to no fault of my own. It's something my grandfather learned to live with."

"As a pew the only way we die, usually involves a lot of pain." I said shivering.

"Pain, like everything, eventually ends. After that our soul can be relieved from this dangerous world. I guess that also means we should enjoy our happy moments more as well they too are limited."

I wiped a year off my face. "Well at least I have a crazy story to tell my family once we get there. I really want to check on them while we are there."

"I can make sure we can do that." he said with a slight smile. "Even if Jiyoda will try and disagree."

"I can do that." the newer masculine voice stated. A hologram projected on the table as the male yovloi materialized. "You won't know if a visit would be a last visit until it is too late. Plus I can imagine koopew like yourself are not that different when it comes to personal family like the yovloi. Even if many other things differ. Your not a zelian at least."

"Who are you?" I asked not being familiar with them.

"Dejamshi, Intelligence of the SS Dragoon it seems now. Accomplice of your... guard Jiyoda."

"Weren't you the one who flew the ship exiting Xylon?!" I said agast.

"Yes, but there is no need to get angry." He then said under his breath. "I've had enough with angry folk these days."

He continued, "I am perhaps on par with the best quarvian pilots out there, so there is no need to worry about my... tactics." He put up an arm before exclaiming, "I'd like to see Aivin TEK try and match an intelligence with such skill as I. For I know they cannot."

"Aivin TEK? Oh yeah, Aivin TEK, I have been on Tharum for so long I almost forgot about them with the presence of Vorture." I said, what remained of my tears dried in my fur. "That reminds me, The Aivin League has a no-immigration policy for Terrina, I think I remember having to report in at Anivia for getting permission to access the surface."

"A no immigration policy? Why would they do that?" Rolund said agasp.

"It's not just a foreigner thing, even other citizens of the AL cannot move to Terrina, the only civilians who live on Terrina, where born there. Or where old enough that they immigrated before the ban. I think the ban was something about the environment."

"A bit unorthodox." Deji said, "Though if they think that's what they have to do, that's their foot to shoot."

"Well, it was a nice chat. But I have things I need to do." Rolund said, "Not to be rude, just got to check on things."

"Oh don't worry about the ship, unless you are checking on the fridge." Deji said chuckling, "From here I can pretty much check on anything happening in the ship. Though I do have to say, I don't recall any ship having an AI living space in it's programming before. Kind of a nice change of pace, y'all wouldn't know what living without a body is like." Deji said. "Who ever programmed this is not your typical, cut costs programmer."

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