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All day I thought about her

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All day I thought about her. It seems as if I can't get her out of my head even if I wish too, which I don't.
I was surprised about this morning when she kissed me twice on my cheek leaving behind her lipstick mark 💋.
We have kissed 3 times in total.

My whole office was shocked seeing their boss coming in with a extra wide smile on his face as compared to a normal one. Though this change has happened two months ago when I got married to my love. Even my employees have noticed it.

Arya is like a breath of fresh air. She's like that little firefly who can lit up your dark world with light. She's the best thing happened to me.

When I came to pick her up, she started cursing in Gujarati. I didn't know she spoke Gujarati. But whatever, she looked like a combination of cute and hot.

I thought she would kiss me to apologize but alas you can't get what you wish for always.
Whatever we have now is enough for me at this stage of relationship.

I know i can't push her to step up a little more in the relationship between us.
Whatever is between us, I am fine with it, for now.

It was so embarrassing for me to shout at him

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It was so embarrassing for me to shout at him. I should apologize to him once again. I thought of cooking his favourite meal, but I did not know what was it. No.. No.. I remember, at our wedding he was eating Chole bhature and kheer Very fondly.
Just as I was going to the kitchen, my phone rang. It was Renu maa, Aarushi's mom or my second mother, since my parents are no more.

"Hii mumma"

"Hello beta. How are you? Is everything fine with you? How is Reyansh treating you? "

"Oh, mumma, breathe. Everything thing is fine and he is also treating me good. By the way, there's a good news of you. "

"What? Are you pregnant?"

"Whattt!! No mumma, Tame sum kahe che. We have been barely married for two months and you are thinking I am pregnant. "

" Oh so you aren't. " she said a little disappointed.

"Anyways, about the good news, I got a promotion. And the noida project too. Plus I became the HOD. " i squealed.

"Congratulations beta, my blessings are with you always. Keep it up. Your mom would be so proud and happy for you. Acha chalo, I'll call you later your uncle has been calling me and don't over think okay. We all are here with you. "

"yes maa, bye. "

I ended our call. Recalling the memories of my parents, is very painful, always tears me up.

They died when I was just 13. The age when every child needs their partners the most. It was then Renu maa and uncle took me in. They never treated me less than Aarushi, but still there is something void within me and remembering them makes me emotional. And I don't like to be emotional. It makes people vulnerable and weak.

I let one or two tears slip. Just as I was about to turn, two arms engulfed me in a warm embrace. Well, this broke all the water tanks and I started to cry like crazy.

I was about to enter the room when I heard her attending the call

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I was about to enter the room when I heard her attending the call. Since it was on speaker, I could hear what Renu aunty was saying her. She mentioned her mother. I don't know how her parents died and I didn't ask because it was sensitive topic. She would tell me herself when she wants. She can take all the time.

I entered the room silently. There she was standing still, her eyes teared up. I went towards her and engulfed her in a tight hug and she started to cry like a baby. I just rubbed her back soothingly.

She was holding onto me tightly like her life depended on me.

After about 20 minutes of continuous sobbing, she stepped back a little bit and removed her face from my chest.

Her face was all red and blotchy due to crying.

I wiped her face and held it between my hands.

"What happened Aaru? " I asked pecking her forehead.

"I d.. Don't know. I just got overwhelmed remembering my parents... "

" Sshh... It's okay, I am here with you. Everyone is here with you. It's going to be fine. "

"I am sorry, I ruined your T-shirt."
She said while shivering a bit.

"Don't worry about it. Now would you like to have pizza or something else?"

"Umm.. Pizza is fine. Let me just was my face. " she said while removing herself from me and going towards the washroom.

I was just about to pick my phone when she said

"Please make sure the pizza has extra cheese. After all the water works, I need my energy back. " and closed the washroom's door.

I chuckled at her antics and went to order our pizza.

A lot will happen over a pizza

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A lot will happen over a pizza......
Hey again.
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See you next time....

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