|Chapter One| 33 years is a long time

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Exactly thirty three years ago, there lived a 19 year old man named Zach Antonio Everton. He was fresh out of high school and he was taking a break before taking his big trip to Yale.

His father, Carlos Antonio Everton, was in the military and the week before Zach had to go, Carlos was stationed in upper Arizona to kill a monster: The Ultima.

Zach was afraid and worried for his father, but he knew he had to let him go. Before Carlos left, he whispered something into his son's ear:

"Be brave. Fight for what you want and never give up."

Carlos fought with those words on his mind. Heck, those were his last. Word got to town that Carlos was... murdered by the current Ultima, Santiago.

Once Zach heard, he went over the edge. Like Carlos, he only had those eleven words on his mind. After the funeral and weeks and weeks of mourning, blah blah blah, he dropped everything just to avenge his father. He spent years developing a team and even building the world's only and finest Ultima hunting team: The Guardian Forces.

The leaders consists of three main people. Michael, the head. He got the final decision. Zach, the brains. He made most battle formats and called the real shots. And Elizabeth. Sweet, sweet Elizabeth. She was the spokesperson of them all. These powerful group ran the organization with a iron fist.

Four years later, Zach met a woman: Sylvana Maria Rodriguez. He became more and more distracted from the team and Elizabeth was getting a little jealous of Sylvana. She almost, ALMOST, ruined their relationship. For that, she was put on probation, but she came back. Everything's good now.

In the next five years, Sylvana was pregnant and Zach decided to marry her before the child was born. Months later, a beautiful baby girl was bought into this world.

Oh yeah, that's me. Aphmau Camilla Everton. Evidently, on the same day I was born, an Ultima sighting, the first one, made the team go bonkers.

There was a new generation of Ultima, the youngest only a few years older than me I was told. After the Ultimas escaped, again, my father tripled the guardians so no one could escape him. They did capture a few werewolves, but apparently that's not importantly. They want the Ultima race completely wiped out.

I was put under watch after that. Everywhere I went, everything I did, there were always a dozen eyes watching me.

Even up to my 24th birthday party today, yay right? You would think celebrating an extra year of life is exciting. Not for me.

My birthday happens to share the same day of the GF anniversary is celebrated. So every year, my birthday is really an anniversary party basically for my grandpapa's avenge. Woop de do, my life is limited because my dad is paranoid, let's celebrate.

No, I'm joking. Every year, I always sneak out of the party with my friends and we go out on the town and my parents never notice. I guess that's one perk. But let me stop talking your ear off and let you read the story.

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My alarm goes off- why is my alarm clock set on a Saturday? Anyway, I go ahead and sit up to check my phone.

8:37 am

Katelyn 💙: Happy birthday Aph!! Hope it's a great one! Are we still down for tonight? Kasey also said happy birthday!

Nana 💕: Happy super super birthday to my best friend❤❤❤❤!! Tonight is the night woop woop!!!! 🥳

Garroth: Heyyyyyy girl! Happy birthday! You're finally 24!!! Let's party!

Laurence: Hey girl, happy birthday!

Dante: Happy birthday, beautiful!🥰

Lucinda: Ya sexy thang, happy birthday! We're blowing the roof off the party tonight! Get ready!

Jenny: Happy birthday Aphmau! Hope you have a great day.

And that's where I stopped reading the messages. Jenny was another reason I H A T E celebrating my birthday with my family: Jenny's the granddaughter of Michael.

I just turn off my phone and step out of bed, sliding my feet into my slippers. Ohmyirene, it's my birthday. I can see it now: My father yelling at people to fix the decorations and my mom trying to calm him down, completely forgetting their daughter's birthday then to make it up, they make it a 2 for 1. Yay me.

Speaking of the devil, my father enters the room with my mom and a few other people. And by other people, I mean Micheal, Elizabeth, and Michael's granddaughter. Ding ding ding, Jenny Smith, everyone.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." My mom hugs me and my father joins her too.

"Happy birthday, pumpkin. And happy 29th anniversary to the Guardian Forces!"

"Thanks, mom. Daddy." I respond as they let me go and the others walk near me too. First, Elizabeth cups my cheeks and examines me.

"I remember when you were just a tiny baby. Now look at you all grown up." She pulls me into a tight hug, one where I could barely breathe. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks, aunty Elizabeth." Oh yeah, she insists I call her that. She lets me go so Micheal and Jenny could walk over.

"I remember you two when you were just in diapers! Always playing together, you two even took baths together."

"Grandpa." Jenny nudges him in the shoulder.

"Yes, yes I apologize. Happy birthday, sweetie." He holds his hand out and I shake it. He was always my favorite out of the three. I know, I know, that sounds bad, but hey, your birthday isn't the same day as your father's GF anniversary.

Finally, here's Jenny. Let me tell you something about her: She. Is. Petty. Not to brag at all, but growing up, I definitely excelled more than her. Highest grade, always made the soccor team and she didn't, I was better at most sports than her, I got my first kiss before her, I was noticed a lot more, I got accepted into college first, and finally. She's petty because Michael paid more attention to me.

Sounds bad, trust me, but I don't blame him. She's annoying as fuck.

"Happy birthday, Aph." She tries to give me a hug but I cough,

"Oh I think I'm coming up with something." I lie and fake cough again, "I don't think you want to catch this, do you? Especially with the big celebration tonight."

"Of course, I understand. Maybe some other time?"

"Yes, possibly." I say and look back at father, "Everything looking good downstairs, daddy?" Trigger word.

He gasps, "I forgot! Come along everyone, let's leave Aphmau to her room." He rushes everyone out and closes the door behind him.

As soon as I hear the click, I grab my phone and sent out a mass text to my friends.

Aph: It's on for tonight. Meet me at the usual place

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Until next time,

~Purplla 💜

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