As he looked at both of them he remembered when they were both rookies coming into his care on SWAT. Jim street started four years ago, he was nothing buck trying to find his way, with a firm hand from Hondo he quickly found did. The man known as te...
No One's POV
"Hey Maya you think you can cover for me at dinner tonight?" Street asked his younger surrogate baby sister as the team was in the locker room getting ready.
"You must be crazy to think that dad WOULD ever let you miss family dinner, and especially at grandmas." She replied back to him and laughed.
"That's why I neeed you to cover for me." He pleaded to his baby sister.
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"Um, what are you two talking about." Luca one of the team members asked.
"Nothing, just stuff, like how the car people jacked the cars." Maya said shutting her locker as Deacon walked in.
"Wow Deac back so soon.."
"Yeah didn't think you be here for like 20,000 more weeks." Street said as he smiled.
"Haha, Good one. Well, the physical therapist said that I'm 90% so, I'm ready to get back in the field." He smiled as Hondo walked in looking at his team focusing mainly on his two surrogate children.
"You two-." He pointed to them. "Where the hell were you two, when I told you to be hone by 9 I meant be home by 9, so why weren't you there?" He asked looking down that then.
"Wellllll, I wassss...- Did you hear that- I think that was the captain calling me-." Maya said as she stood to get up.
"Sit your ass down." Hondo demanded. She instantly was seated.
"Listen both of you, when I say, be there I mean be there that is the end of it do you both understand me?" Hondo said shaking his head.
"Yes sir..."
"Yes dad." Answered into the room.
Hondo smiled and pulled his to kids into a hug. As he looked at both of them he remembered when they were both rookies coming into his care on SWAT. Jim street started four years ago, he was nothing buck trying to find his way, with a firm hand from Hondo he quickly found did. The man known as team commander, was also the man outside of work known as dad. His younger ward, Maya Black has been on SWAT for over three years now although Hondo has know her for her entire life. He has always been a father figure to her and an actual father in more ways than one. Once she joined the team she immediately connect with the older Jim Street and the two became brother and sister, Hondo dad, Deacon the strict uncle, Luca is the fun Uncle, and Chris the crazy Bestfriend , and Tan the stricter cousin. They were a family on S.W.A.T.
"I expect to see you both at your grandmas for family dinner, non negotiable, if I have to come find you and I will, when I do it won't be pretty." Hondo warned as he looked at them both. "And hurry we need to get started he said as he left his kids.