Chapter 3

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"Is this really necessary?" Maya asked as she had to clean big Bertha.

"Hey kid, you do the crime you do the time." Luca said as he sat down waiting for his wayward niece to finish.

"But WHAT crime have I actually committed huh, and plus  it's not like, she didn't deserve it." Maya whined.

Luca glared at her. "Even though her delivery wasn't the best, Annie meant well. And also don't let Deac catch you talking like that kid." Luca warned as Maya groaned.

"Well for one Deacon isn't even here and if he were what exactly would he do about it." She whispered the last part Fed up Maya placed the bucket down.

"But this isn't fair you guys are treating me like I am 5, I'm 25 for god sakes." Maya yelled.

"One Maya you are 23 and two you could have fooled me." Luca smiled.

"But LUUUUUCCCAAAAA. You know Annie disrespected me every bit as much as I disrespected her, so I don't understand why it seems like I'm the only one in trouble for it." Maya yelled. She was over it.

Luca walked up to her and grabbed her chin. "You know I love you and support any choice you make regarding your personal life but what and how you went about it and  speaking to Annie was unacceptable. End of discussion, now finish cleaning or you and I can handle this conversation at my house." He warned.

Maya sighed. "Yes sir, I understand."

"Finish cleaning Bertha." Luca said in a final warning tone.

~ "Hell yes!" Maya spoke after the team got done with their training exercises

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"Hell yes!" Maya spoke after the team got done with their training exercises.

"Yeah! That's a second faster than 50  Squad." Street said. "Damn sure is bro." Mya smiled.

"Language." Deacon Warned. Maya rolled her eyes. "That's a new LAPD record." Luca commented. "Good job, guys."

"You're gonna make Hondo jealous, Deac, setting a new mark on the day he gets back." Tan said. Deacon smiled. "I'm sure he'll be more proud than jealous."

"We'll find out soon enough."

"Oh I forgot that they were getting back today, I was suppose to be watching the house but I haven't been there in over two weeks." Maya whispered to Street. "What about you?"

"Me either."

"Ughhh maybe I can run by real quick and check on it." Maya told her brother. "I'll come with." He said.

"So, The plane landed an hour ago. All right, that gives us time to shower and meet him back at headquarters for our shift." Deacon said.

"Okay Deac Street and I are going to run home we'll be back." Maya said.

"No problem, just as long as you're back before you're shift." He said.

"Yeah okay, we will thanks." She said as they smiled.

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