TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of Depression and attempted suicide
Previously, on
(POW)Four shots go off!
"Oh my god street what did you do?" Maya yelled, as she took a look at the dead bodies in front of her.
"You killed them in my bar! What the hell are you going to do about this!" He questions.
"Everyone GET OUT GET OUT NOW, we'll handle it!" Maya said as Street stood frozen.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not going anywhere you guys are my family, I can't leave you." Nate screamed has his boss left.
"Nate for once in your damn life listen to me!" Maya yelled. "GOOOO!"
Nate took one look at her and one back at Street as he fled out the door.
Maya turned back around at the two just looked at each other. What the fuck where they going to tell the police, what the fuck were they going to tell Hondo, Deacon, LUCA.
Maya sighed as she sat down Street still frozen into place.
Street took his gun holstered it and was about to lean his hand on the wood.
"STOOP!" Maya yelled. "Don't put your fucking fingerprints ANYWHERE, aren't you a fucking police officer." She yelled.
"Maya-." Street started.
"Don't please- I just- I- Street you just killed these guys."
"May I had no choice." Street yelled back.
She sighed. "I know, let's just clean this up, we have to god and dispose of these bodies."
Street looked and Maya. As the two got to cleaning the dead bodies.
Once the two finished loading the bodies in the trunk they closed the door and got in the van.
"Do you think they bought it?" Maya asked.
"Did they, I mean, how could they not Maya the acting at the end was stellar." Their friend who the Long Beach PD said.
"Ahhh what can I say? That is was two years of drama gets you in college." Maya smiled as she looked at Street.
"Yeah you actually made me think you were mad at me in there." Street said.
"Well, anyone could see the camera spotted a mile away, I knew we have to make it believable and I knew He had to get it all on video. As a matter of fact I carried this act. Mason, almost gave us up.....when Street shot you mason you moved."
"No I didn't." Mason countered.
"Actually you did Mas." Paul masons partner stated, the other "fake" gunman.
They had just pulled off one of the biggest "SIKES" in history.
The two prior to meeting up, has set up a task force within the Long Beach PD to take down the drug operation. In order to do so they had to contact some old friends in the force to help them pull it off along with the captain of the Long Beach PD. All while setting this up the two had to keep everyone out of the loop including their ever so forgiving father, and uncles.
They both knew they would be taking a major risk going behind their backs but that was a risk they had to take.
*ring ring*

Children of S.W.A.T
FanficAs he looked at both of them he remembered when they were both rookies coming into his care on SWAT. Jim street started four years ago, he was nothing buck trying to find his way, with a firm hand from Hondo he quickly found did. The man known as te...