Part 27

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Sams pov

We were walking towards my parents house
"I should probably tell my parents that we're going over there" I say out loud but to myself
I get out my phone and go to my moms contact I look at the time and see that it's midnight, I really hope there still awake
I click call and wait and wait she doesn't pick up so I try my dad same thing
"My parents aren't picking up"
"Ok well maybe they'll still answer if they hear knocking"
"And if they don't?"
"I'll figure something out" he says
I roll my eyes and smile I grab his hand
"We'll figure something out"
"Yeah we'll do it" he said smiling
We get to my parents house and knock
"Fuck there probably asleep" I said
Colby knocked again I heard footsteps then my mom opening the door slowly not sure of who it was
"Oh it's just sam and Colby" she yells Im guessing to my dad
She opens the door and lets us in
"What are y'all doing here? I thought y'all were staying at Colby's tonight"
"Yeah no but can we stay here until we leave" I ask
"Yeah of course" she says
"Ok well we're tired so goodnight" I say and walk to my room Colby following
We get into my room and I close the door and take my shirt and pants off leaving me in my boxers to tired to put anything else on Colby does the same and climbs into bed behind me
"You know I love you right" Colby's says quietly on my ear while playing with my hair
I turn over to face him and look into his eyes
"Yeah of course" I say whispering
"I love you so much baby like I don't think you know when ever I'm around you or hear your voice I just get butterflies you've made me so happy and your so perfect I'm so glad that we're getting married so I can show everyone how much I love you and how happy I am with you, how happy you make me and how much we belong together" he says all while looking directly into my eyes and still playing with my hair
"You love me too right?" He asks sounding genuinely concerned that I don't
"Of course baby there's no one I could ever love more your so sweet and kind and beautiful best boyfriend ever and in a few months I'm sure your gonna be the best husband ever" I say
"I love that word 'husband'" he says chuckling a little "god I'm gonna be your husband"
"And I'm gonna be yours" I say
"I love talking to you like this just saying how I feel I mean you might already know but I like telling you just so you can remember that no one could over love you like I do" he says
Both of us are smiling like crazy just telling each other how much we love each other
"You should probably save some of that for your wedding vows" I say
"Oh your gonna hear all this again at the wedding" he says laughing I start laughing a laughing a little too he looks at me like he's analyzing me
"Your so pretty when you smile and laugh I love it so much just being able to see you smile and laugh it doesn't matter what about I just love seeing it" he says "sorry some of that sounded creepy it's just" he pauses and turns on his back staring at the ceiling " it just after what my parents said it somehow made me realize how much I love you and how nothing you say or do or anyone else says could ever make me love you less or stop loving you I don't even know what made you fall for me in the first place I mean your absolutely perfect and could do so much better than me" he says sounding sad I grab his face and make him look at me
"Hey I don't care if you think I could find someone better ok because I know for a fact that I could not find anyone more perfect or anyone more perfect for me, Cole Robert Brock I love you so much and even if you think someone else could be better for me I don't want better ok I want you and no one could ever change that ok not you not anybody" I say looking at him the whole time he started crying
"God this is why I love you so much" he said
"We're so perfect for each other" he say
"Yeah we are"
He turns on his back again but this time I crawl on top of him and lay down on his chest
"For the thousandth time tonight even though I could never get tired of saying it I love you Sammy" he says and wraps his arms around my back and starts rubbing his hands up and down my back in a soothing and Comforting way
"I love you too Colby" I say and slowly start falling asleep

I hope y'all enjoyed that cuteness... and cheesiness that was 862 words  anyway I tried to make this one longer so I hope you enjoyed

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