Part 35

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Friday November 29

Colby: so I know y'all are gonna see this in the morning but if y'all weren't paying attention last night Jake and Elton were holding hands and now there asleep like this
*insert image*
*insert image*
*insert image*
So I think they might be a secret couple I created this group chat without them in it if y'all see them doing anything else that would look like they'd be a couple text this group chat

Colby names the conversation

Corey: lol just woke up to find them in the same position
*insert image*
Ngl they'd be a cute couple
Colby: right

Friday November 29

Corey: So y'all know how we all went out and Jake and Elton stayed home alone
Sam: yeah Aaron went out with friends me and Colby are having lunch and you and Devyn are shopping or something
Devyn: you didn't tell them
Corey: no
Colby: tell us what????
Corey: So I stayed home and had Devyn cover for me saying that I was going out with her to try and see if they really were a couple and
Sam: and what I'm guessing something happened because you wouldn't of texted the group chat
Corey: Jakes sitting on the counter with Elton and...
Colby: what is it with y'all and sitting on counters Jesus Christ
Sam: anyway what whats happening
Corey: we'll from what I'm looking at there a couple
Devyn: COREY!! What are they doing
Corey: there making out
Sam: OMG Wait eewwww we eat there
Corey: like y'all haven't done that
Colby: true
Colby: what he obviously already knew
Corey: *insert image*
Sam: omg that's so cute

Saturday November 30

Sam: *inset image* look how cute they are there cuddling on the couch
Colby: how did you not get caught?
Sam: there probably sleeping
Colby: ok well come back to bed

Sams pov

I replied to Colby's text with a fine and started walking upstairs I got to our room saw Oliva had made her way into our room to watch tv that was another thing that we got when we switched rooms
"Hey livi?" I said
"Yea papa" she said looking at me instead of the tv I climbed into bed facing her
I turned my phone on and put it on voice record
"You know how me and daddy sometimes kiss and hug and daddy will put his arm around me because he loves me?" I asked
"Yeah" she said
"Have you ever seen uncle Elton or uncle Jake doing that with each other?" I asked
"Ummm" she said thinking "yeah when I went to go get them for our movie night they were kissing like you and daddy kiss sometimes, and they hug a lot when no one sees them" she said I looked at Colby and he was trying to hold in a laugh I grabbed my phone and ended the voice recording
"Ok livi you can go back to watching with daddy" I said
"Ok papa" she said turning back to her cartoons because Colby was a sucker and let her watch anything she wanted but that was anyone in the house sometimes she'd  go into Corey and Devyns room just to watch tv with them
Sam: *insert voice recording*
Corey: no way
Colby: yeah she really just said that

Sunday December 1
'Trap house'

Elton: y'all are so creepy
Sam: what do you mean
Jake: you know y'all could've just exposed us by now
Corey: what?
Elton: we know that y'all know y'all aren't sneaky Corey we knew you were there and we knew that y'all would probably see up on Thursday when we were watching the movies didn't expect livi to walk in on us making out but oh well
Sam: omg So y'all really are a couple
Jake: yeah so give us a ship name
Sam: Colby your turn
Colby: Jalton
Elton: hmm ummm hmmm Jake??
Colby: fine give your self a ship name then I'll be over here with solby
Sam: then come over here with me
Elton: see your not even with him at least I have my boyfriend next to right now
Colby: hey hey hey I have my HUSBAND next it me beat that bitch
Corey: they have y'all beat there, they put a ring on it
Colby: ha ha we beat you
Elton: what not fair Jake wanna get married??
Jake: what?
Elton: you heard me
Jake: fuck it yeah why the fuck not
Elton: seriously though Jake I'm being serious do you wanna get married
Jake: really?
Elton: yeah I love you baby
Jake: aww I love you too and yeah I'll marry you
Sam: awww But... y'all will never beat solby also no last minute weddings unless there before the 7th me Colby and livi are going on vacation

Colby's pov

Elton and Jake were in the kitchen me and Sam were walking downstairs Elton saw us
"So you wanna get married today" Elton asked him
"Yeah" Jake said
"Then I can call you mine forever" Elton said "just know that after you do this you can never say no to anything else that I say" Elton said
"What that's not how this works" Jake said
"Yep" Elton said laughing
"Nope" Jake said laughing as well
"God I love you" Elton said they had just texted it but it was they first time they had said it out loud and the look they got in there eyes when they said it
"I love you too" Jake said with the same look that Elton had given him
I felt Sam pulling me up the stairs and out of ear shot of the couple downstairs
"You saw that right" he said
"That look" I said
"Yeah" Sam said
"They've either been in love with each other for months or been dating for months" I said
He started smiling
"We still win" he said
"Fuck yeah we do" I said we went back downstairs to find them talking in the kitchen
"Are y'all seriously gonna get married today?" I asked
"No no sometime on the spring so we can have it outside like yalls wedding"
"Ok" I said I heard Corey and Devyn running down the stairs
"Oh. My. God are y'all really gonna get married" Corey asked
"Yeah there's three couples in the house now"
We all said I love you to each other at the same time

So there's a new couple will they get married soon? Will Sam and Colby go a vacation? And what's happening with Aaron hes the only single one in the house... or is he? Will I make him gay too find out tomorrow with Sam Colby, Elton Jake, and Corey and Devyn

Read that like a game show host ending the show like a tune in next week thing ^^
(Also something in that was foreshadowing what's gonna happen) ok I'm goons go now

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