Part 30

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That's kinda what the wedding venue looks like. ^
Or you could imagine it however you want

Sams pov
*2 months later*

"I'm so scared" I told Corey and Devyn
"You'll be fine" she told me
"I'm gonna choke on my words I'm gonna get out there and not know what to say" I chuckle " let's just hope this is the one time he won't make me speechless" they both smile at my comment while Corey is fixing my tie
I have on a white suit with black tie on and Colby has a black suit on with a white tie like a ying-yang kinda thing I haven't seen how Colby looks yet but I have a feeling as soon as I see him my minds gonna go completely blank and I'm gonna forget how to do everything including speak which might be an issue for our vows.
"Ok look I can see you stressing your self out just think tomorrow you can wake up next to your husband not just your boyfriend" Corey said
"That literally didn't help it's not even stress anymore I'm so happy but I'm scared everything's gonna get screwed up somehow" I said
"Look he's just as nervous and years from now you'll laugh when neither of you could remember your wedding vows and it took a few minutes for ether of y'all to say anything" Corey said I laughed a little bit
"See your already laughing" he added
"Alright Sam,Corey I'm gonna go see if Colby's as much of a nervous wreak as you are" Devyn said

Colby's pov

"Ahhh I'm freaking out" I said
"Yeah I can see that" Elton said
I was fixing my suit and tie to make sure everything was perfect I mean I'm marring the love of my life so let's hope that either 1) things go perfect or 2) things don't go perfect and we're all sitting there laughing about it Jake and Elton we're helping me with my suit and calm down while I believe Corey and Devyn were helping Sam and Aaron is helping guest and marking sure everything is ready for us
"Wow this it huh finally getting married" I whispered
"Yep proud of you" Elton said patting my back
The area were at is a garden so we'll be surrounded by nature then we're having a small reception at the trap house since we only have a couple guest and didn't want it to be to big of a wedding and the trap house could fit 500+ people during our party's we have the trap house, Sams family and a few other guests
I look over to see Devyn coming in
"Hey hows it going" she asks
"Good good scared but yeah" I said
"Oh don't worry he's worse than you" she said
"Hey guys we have a problem" Aaron said running in
"Colby Umm your parents are here I know you didn't want them and I tried to stop them but I don't know what to do, do you want me to go tell sam" he asked
"No no don't tell Sam I don't want him to worry I'll get them to leave I want this to be the best day of his life but umm can you go get Corey and Devyn could you take his place so he's not alone freaking himself out" I asked
"Yeah I'll go get him" she said
"Shit" I yelled
"What do we do" Elton asked
"Shit I don't know I really don't know why there here" after I said that Corey came in
"Hey Devyn said this was an emergency" he said
"Yeah my parents are here" I said to him
"Shit ok what are we gonna do"
"I don't know ok look I haven't told you this but my parents sent me threats over the last 2 months saying if I married him I'll regret it" I said as I started to cry I took a deep breath but the tears keep coming I wiped my eyes
"Umm ok can y'all just come out with me to talk to them" I asked them
"Yeah of course" they all answered
We all walked out there looking around for my parents I stoped dead in my tracks and so did everyone else I slowly turned around and signaled for them to go back and we all walked back hopefully without them noticing
"Guys Sams room" I said pointing to it
"No you can not tell him" Jake said
"I have to he's gonna find out either way" I said I walked into his room all of them following me
"Hey baby" I said trying not to show that I was crying he turned around and looked at me confused
"What are you doing here?" He asked
"Well first I just wanna tell you how much I love you and you mean the world to me" as I was saying this I heard one of the guys whispering to Devyn what happened "and I would never wanna leave you ok"
"Is everything ok" he asked
"My parents are here" I told him
"Ok that's not that bad we could get them  to leave right" he said
"I don't know they Umm brought someone really bad and we might not have a wedding today" I said
"Who" he asked scared

I guess this is kinda a cliffhanger sorry comment who you think his parents brought ————>
it's someone that was really bad

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