Chapter 8

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|Your mothers pov|

I get off my private jet and people instantly take photos of me and fans scream my name

"Kireina what are you doing in Japan." A reporter asks and I smile politely

"Visiting family but I must get going I'm sorry I can't answer anymore questions." I say before I walk off

|Your Dads pov|

Y/n was drawing as she listens to the news and I walk over about to turn it off when I stop when I notice a certain person on the news

"Kireina what are you doing in Japan?"

"Visiting family but I must get going I'm sorry I can't answer anymore questions."

"Wow Kireina Dang she's famous all over the world she's traveled around the world and lived probably everywhere and she's done so much for animals and the ocean and for orphans and for kids to go to school stuff like that, really all she's doing is helping people she's so awesome." Y/n says and I smile all kireina wanted was to help people who couldn't help themselves people who had less then her she wanted to travel and help the world and well that's exactly what she did

"So tell me about kireina."

"Well she's a singer, actor, writer, she built an orphanage and she's helped so many people like she's so inspiring dad all she does is help and bring smiles to peoples faces Like there's not one person who hates her."

*Kireina made her dream come true I'm happy for her* I think as I also felt sad inside because I missed kireina and now well me and her will never get a chance again ever

|Your pov|

There was a knock on the door and you get up and answer it to see a woman

"If your one of crystals friends I swear I'm
not getting that bitch for you."

"Y/N!" You hear your dad yell as he continues to watch Tv

"Sorry dad just saying the truth."

"No I'm not here to see her... I'm here to see you y/n." She says and you were confused by that she was here to see you? Who on earth is she?

"Who are you?" You ask confused but somehow the woman looked familiar to you

"I'm your mother."

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