Part Four

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Before i start, i want to thank every single one of you, who's reading this story. It means a lot to me.
Also if you like it share it around to support me, and don't forget to vote and tell me what you think, i'd love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you, here's the 4th part.


-"Is grandpa going to be alright? " inquired Myriam while lying in bed next to her brother. After he witnessed the emotional condition that she was in earlier, zach let her sleep in his room, wishing that she would feel less lonely and hopefully less frightened.

-"I don't know sweetie, but whatever happens we're going to stay strong, as we always do, right?" he said, fondling her long, dark brown hair.

-"yeah...." she responded. She paused for a brief period of time before hesitatingly adding : "i'm kind of..... afraid of him."

He tilted his head to her side to study her oval-shaped face, in search of an expression. Coming out with nothing, he frowned : "why do you say that?"

-"do you remember the day we were walking down the hospital hallway to bring him home, then suddenly he came attacking you and threatening you?........ You know like, he would seem fine for one second and becomes aggressive for the next, he changed a lot. "

He let out a heavy sigh, it appeared to him that he wasn't the only one bothered by his grandfather's change, he adjusted himself on his elbow and faced her : " see, our grand-father is sick right now, he's suffering from a devastating disease called dementia, a state where he would lose the ability to remember things or to think, and sometimes he would see things that are not there, he has no awareness of the behavior that he displays, you understand?"

he paused to look at her. Getting a nod as a response, he continued :" i know it's a lot for your 10 years old mind to grasp, but one day you'll get older and understand all of this. Meanwhile you must remember the old grandpa, the once peaceful, loving man whom never did a wrong thing to anyone in his life, he helped everyone whom he thought needed help, and he took wonderful care of his family and his surroundings, including us. You must never forget that, you must cherish the happy memories that we still have of him, alright?." he finished, tears threatening to flee, as the lake of memories came flooding back to him, almost drowning him in complete despair.

she beamed at him with an undisguised admiration while promising him to do that.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, announcing a visitor.


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