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Those sweets looked kinda weird but you shrugged it off.
"Ew." Amelia said blankly looking at the agar agar gummy bears. You hold back your laugh "I know..." You send the girl a picture of the shelf full with sweets

those candy look whack af
which one do u want?

Billie 🥴🤤
can u get the chocolate chip ones plz? 🥺
next to the cookies

i fucking hope u pay me later

You grabbed the chocolate chips and few others just try them out "Okay let's get our stuff now!" you excitedly said to Amelie.
After the cart was full with junk food you looked for your mother "We are doneeee!" you said hugging your mom from behind "Alright alright!" she said laughing. You guys payed for all and went home.
Amelia sat in your bed while you texted Billie telling her to come over "What if she doesn't like me? Like...It's happening so fast! She is already coming over?! What the f-" Amelia stood up quickly putting her hands on your shoulders "If you don't shut up immediately and stop overthinking that shit I will smack you" she looked at you deadass serious. You breathed deeply "Ugh you're right...I'm sorry...Let's-" you threw your head back shutting your eyes closed sighing deeply again "Let's prepare some sandwiches...?" you said smiling swallowing hard as it your anxiety would just melt away. Amelia rushed to the kitchen and saw your mom already with a tray full with vegan sandwiches "I made you girls some snacks! And there's juice on the fridge!" she said kissing the top of your head and grabbing her keys "You're the best!" you smiled to her "I gotta go to work now! Bye!" She hugged you and then Amelia "Text me when Billie arrive, let me know if everything is okay" she said then closed the door blowing you a kiss. "I love your mom" Amelia said eating a sandwich "I love her too" you giggled.

I think i'm here? honestly i don't even know where i'm at

You lived in a pretty sketchy looking neighbourhood in California, it's not like it was that bad, it's just didn't looked as pretty as the "instagramable" California people were used to.
You and Amelia waited outside and saw Billie, with a tank top and jeans, getting out of an Uber. Although her look was simple it made her look stunning, her hair was tied up in a ponytail accenting her beautiful face.
She looked left and right and spotted you sat on the sidewalk, she gave you a toothy grin, and jogged towards you "Hey!" you and Amelia stood up quickly "Billie!" you hugged her tightly and Amelia awkwardly stood there. After the -kinda long but i won't complain- hug Billie hugged Amelia "Hi! Um...Hey! I'm a big fan of yours!" she stuttered nervously "Aw thank you so much" Billie said sheepishly smiling looking down and scrunching her nose "Come in! Your nasty candies are inside" you joked "Nasty? Bro you eat dead animals!" she said jokingly but she was very much right "Touché..." you giggled closing the door.

Billie smiles munching on the sandwiches and you tossed her sweets in her lap "There ya go" you said "Awww you got me all this?" she squealed looking like a happy child. You smiled and shrugged "But I wanna taste some of those" Billie giggles pulling you into a side hug and rested her head on your shoulder. You were all sat on the floor on front of the TV watching cartoons, Billie eventually feeding you some candy "Y'all look like a couple" Amelia said out of nowhere. Damn this girl has no filter. "Aww i love you Billie marry meeee" you said holding her tightly blowing kisses "(y/n) my love, I will marry you right now!" she joked wrapping her arm around your waist. After the laughter died down Amelia stood up hurriedly "Aw shit! My brother is here! Bye guys!" Her brother was a prick. You really disliked him, he mistreated Amelia so much. "Wow she really ran away from us" Billie said a little surprised "Nah...Her brother is a dickhead and hates to wait for her" Billie nodded slowly "Learned the hard way" you sighed remembering Amelia going to school with bruises on her forearm just because she made her brother wait 10 minutes in his car while she looked for her purse. Billie tilted her head to the side a bit but didn't said anything, just relaxed more deciding to place her head on your lap "Brooo...Your hair looks so good!" you said stoking her scalp "Thanks!" she smiled looking up at you "Oof you're looking at me with an angle that you just...just shouldn't.." you laughed looking away from her "Nah you cute" she simply said shifting her attention to the TV. "Who said you could stop?" Billie laughed placing your hand on her head again making you laugh at your cuteness.
*ring ring ring*
You heard your phone ringing on the kitchen "Fuck me.." you mumbled earning a scoff from Billie. Thank god it was only your mom, so picked up quickly "Hey" you said shoving chocolate on your mouth "Hey honey, is everything okay?" your mom asked "Huh? Oh! Yeah! Yeah, Billie is here and we're watching TV" after the small talk you mom said she had to go. You walked back to the living room and saw Billie staring at her phone.
You sat beside her again and hugged your knees "Was that your mom?" She asked curiously "Yep...The same crazy lady" you blushed remembering how embarrassed you felt that day "Nah! That was cute as fuck" she said laughing placing her phone down "Well...anyways, it's getting kinda late and I promised Finn I would help him with some lyrics" she said standing up and collecting her stuff "Oh? New album?!" you excitedly asked picking up some opened snacks "Bet" she simply said winking "Ohh shit! Well...Y'all very talented...You could write a song about camels and it would sound beautiful" you said trying not to make eye contact. She scoffed "Thanks?" you chuckled and handed her the snacks "Oh...Thank you" Billie took them and looked at her hands smiling like a goof. You hugged her. Billie looked oddly emotional for some reason "Is everything okay..?" You stoked her hair making her melt into your shoulder "Mhm, I just...missed that" she let go of the hug and stared at the ground "That...Going to a friend's house and being normal" she emphasised her sentence with hand gestures "Spending the afternoon without having flashes on your face or meetings with boring ass dudes" she ran her fingers through her hair looking stressed. You looked at her empathetically "I'm here for you okay?" You smiled sheepishly.

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