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Your P.O.V
I hadn't heard from Billie since she came over. It was about 2 weeks ago an I'm losing my mind...So is Amelia trying to deal with me "I already told you (y/n)! Billie is a busy girl! You know that!" I groaned loudly burring my face into my pillow "I know! I'm not pissed cause of that...But... I dunno...She could send me a message or something" I said sounding disappointed "I thought we were friends, that's all". I tried shrugging her off my mind but I just can't! "Have you tried messaging her first? Maybe she is thinking the same thing" Amelia said nonchalantly staring at her phone, typing insanely fast. I can't blame her...That poor girl had to listen to me whine about Eilish for the whole week. I took my phone out biting the inner side of my cheek nervously "Right..."

hey! is everything okay?

I typed cautiously. "See? Wasn't that hard" Amelia said jokingly "Shut up" I threw a pillow on her direction "You are the worst..." you mumble tapping on your thigh anxiously for a reply.

We were all sat on the table, my mom and Amelia talking about...stuff? I don't know, i'm way too worried about Billie to focus on their chat "Is everything alright, hun?" my mom asked holding my hand "She's worried cause Billie didn't answer her" Amelia said, and my mom nodded "Well...Billie told you about her new album didn't she? Maybe is cause of that! I'm sure she's okay!" They all smiled reassuringly "Yeah...That's probably it...Thanks..." I flashed a smile and set my phone down joining the conversation.
We all ate and were now laid on the couch watching TV. After a while my phone vibrated.

hey! (y/n)! sorry i didn't answer
ugh my fucking manager is being an ass
i have a tour coming up soon and i'm having to do some choreography stuff all day i'm fucking exhausted

i though u were mad at me or smth... :(

nooo im really sorry
will you forgive me if i send u my new song, bby?

oh shit

Billie sent me a file with her new song, it was called "All the good girls go to hell" and I was amazed "Holy shit what's this song called?!" Amelia asked sitting beside me "It's Billie's new song! Isn't it great?!" She nodded excitedly "We are texting again,she was just busy with a new upcoming tour" Her eyes widen "I told you! We need to go to one of her shows!" I giggled and rolled my  eyes "Gonna ask her if she will do a show near us" Amelia scoffed "Duhh! She lives here! Of course she will!"

Amelia loves it too! (she was near me i hope u don't mind)

nah it's all good lmao thank you btw ❤️

i was wondering if you will perform near us..... cause u bet your ass we will go

course i will stoopid!
it's gonna be the first show and if y'all don't go see me i will kill your nasty ass 😤

ooooo we gonna go!! gonna be the first one to be there!

i fucking hope so lmaooo

so u on a break?

thank god i am
i would suggest going on a cafe but those mf paps won't leave me alone 🙁

we could grab u a latte if u want

nah it's okay
you guys wanna come over then?

yea we could do a movie nightttttt

netflix n chill? 😉


I laughed "Yo, Billie invited us to a movie night. You goin?" Amelia laughed and snatched my phone "Lemme see what she told youuu!" She teased "She clearly wants just you to go y/n" Amelia poked my shoulder annoyingly "Ugh shut up! You going or not?" I asked trying to look mad "Nah, I gotta go home and don't wanna be a third wheel, can you give me a ride?" She asked gathering her stuff. I just ignored the "third wheel" bullshit.

yo Amelia can't come today, i'll just give her a ride home and i'll go

alright x

I smiled and went to my mom's room "Hey can I go to Billie's house?" I asked her "Oh, you guys talking again?" I explained everything about the tour and my mom tossed me the keys to her car. Amelia and I hugged her goodbye and blasted songs on the old black car.

"Bye Amelia!! Love youuu!" I yelled to her and saw her waving laughing stepping inside her house.

just dropped Amelia off
i'm on my wayyy xx

After receiving Billie's address I rushed to the grocery store and bought her the same sweets that I knew she liked, together with Takis and sodas.

I knocked on the door anxiously "Oh! You are...Y/N, right?" Finneas asked stepping to the side letting me in "Yeah! Hi" I waved shyly "Billie is in her room, is the one on the left" He pointed to the stairs "Thank you!" I smiled and knocked on her door "Come in" I faintly heard her voice and opened the door. Billie was with white sweats and a baggy anime shirt "(y/n)!!" she hugged me "There ya go" I tossed her the bag "Ugh you're the best" she hugged me quickly and jumped on her bed and I did the same.

We decided to watch The Babadook. Not longer after the movie started, Billie's head was on my shoulder "You gonna miss me?" She spoke out suddenly "Hm?" I hummed back not sure what she meant. Billie sat facing me "When I go on tour. Are you going to miss me?" she spoke confidently with a sly smirk decorating her lips "Why you ask? Are you?" I question back with the same tone, raising my eyebrow. The girl giggled shaking her head in amusement, she turned around laying her back on my chest, playing with the end of my hair "Yeah, who's going to bring me snacks?" she said not looking at me "Pfft! You are going to miss me so much, Eilish" I whispered lowly next to her ear. She simply giggled shoving popcorn on her mouth "Maybe...You coming on the first show here right?" She looked at me "Ew swallow before you speak, nasty ass" Billie opened her mouth showing her tongue full with chewed food. I joked a gag sound "Ugh" I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved her "Course I'm going...I mean...I'm going try" She sigh dramatically "What you mean?" "It means that I will save up, and if I have enough money, I will go" She stayed silent for a second and looked at me by looking up, again, seeing my ugly angle "I can pay if you want, backstage and stuff. It's my fucking show, mammas. I'm the boss" She said cockily making me laugh, although she was right "Nah, I wanna support you, it ain't fair" Billie grabbed my hands and placed them on her belly playing with my finger gently "But you are my friend...I want you there".

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