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"You could be quieter yesterday, you know?..." Bruno groggily said making me scoff "Jealous?"
"Girl, please...Imma child of god, i'm not into that gay shit, now give me that bagel."

~30 minutes before...~

Billie's hair was all over my face. Her soft breathing slightly tickling my cheek was the best feeling in the world...
I yawned and stared at her for a while. Couldn't help it...It felt like a dream. It was too perfect to be real. SHE was too perfect to be real.
A smile appeared on my lips as I saw her softly blink "Morning, my love...", her morning voice was raspy and sexy "Morning mammas." I kissed her forehead "What do you think about bagels for breakfast?" Billie hummed and yawned closing her eyes again. "Can't you stay in bed with me a little longer?" I smiled and cuddled her until she fell asleep again.

It was kinda chilly that morning so I put some sweatpants and a hoodie on and headed to Bil's favorite cafe.

~Present time...~

"Where's Billie by the way?" He said biting his bagel instantly regretting it "Ew! What the fu- Bitch! What the fuck is this?!" He gagged and spitted the half chewed dough on a napkin.
"It's a vegan bagel! Don't be such a pussy!" I laughed hysterically "That shit is so nasty!" Bruno scrunched his nose throwing his napkin on the trash can "But!" I started "Since I know you so well and I'm a great friend..." I said cockily giving him a small white paper bag that I set on the table earlier "I brought you this."
Bruno skeptically opened it "Oh fuck me...I love you." Bruno took out a croissant and chewed on it moaning, clearly he was enjoying his breakfast...
Amelia arrived on the kitchen rubbing her eyes tiredly "The fuck was all that laughing?" She said in a grumpy tone "Bruno ate that vegan bagel." I pointed to the bag "You brought bagels?!" Lia whined "I love you..!" She said stuffing her mouth.

Later Billie came out of my room with her messy hair up in a bun "Morning..." She mumbled and hugged me from behind "Morning mammas" I kissed her forehead "I brought some bagels from that place you like"
"You're the cutest..."
"Stop that...It's gay" Bruno rolled his eyes and Billie smacked his head playfully.

We were all sat on the couch, Lia texting Valerie, Billie and I cuddling, and Bruno watching some anime he liked. Things were so good. I looked over at them and couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I was to have such amazing friends and the best girlfriend ever.
"Holy shit! Y'all gotta listen that!" Billie quickly sat and we all looked at her confused "Remember when I said I had an idea for a new song? Finneas sent me a demo...Wanna hear it?" She said teasingly "Of course we wanna hear it!"

I had a dream...
I had everything I wanted.
Not what you think,
and if i'm being honest...
It might've been a nightmare
to anyone who might care.
thought I could fly
So I stepped off the golden

The dream.
The song was about her nightmare.
I could already feel tears flooding my eyes while Billie tapped her finger and nodded her head on the beat.

Nobody cried, nobody even noticed
I saw them standing right there
kinda thought they might care
I had a dream I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up I see.
You with me.
And you say...
As long I'm here no one can hurt you,
don't want to lie here but you can learn to.
If I could change the way that you see yourself
You wouldn't wonder why you're here.
They don't deserve you.

She wrote what I said to her...She actually wrote a song about it.
"Billie..." I muttered to her "It was about that night..." She nodded while Bruno and Lia stood there with their mouthes opened too concentrated on the lyrics "It was so...so beautiful, Billie" Lia managed to say "True...I-Damn..." Bruno laughed nervously "That's amazing..." Bil stuck her tongue out scrunching her nose "Thank you...I mean, it's just a demo and shit, we gon' add some more stuff but that's the beginning of it!"
"I think it's perfect, mammas" I kissed her cheek "Are we gonna do somethin' today? I'm boreedd" Bil perked up "Can't...I promised my brother we'd hang."
Bruno's little brother is the cutest! I only saw pictures and videos of him since he didn't live that close, but he's basically a mini version of his big brother.
"Yeah, I can't either. It's Val's last day here so we decided to hang."
"So it's just us." Billie squeezed my thigh "Get a room!" Bruno yelled grabbing his backpack "Ehh leave them alone, you ass hole" Lia laughed doing the same.

"You ready for Hawaii?" Bil asked "I'm so excited! I bought some cute bikinis with Bruno and Lia, wanna see?" She bit her lip "Show me."
We maybe ended up having sex and ordering take out. But I won't give much details about that...Billie went to her house to work on her music and get some stuff done. I just ended up watching Netflix and fell asleep with the TV still on.

Days went by and I couldn't wait to go to Hawaii with Billie!
"Imma pack my stuff, see you later, mammas." Bil said over the phone "You didn't pack yet?!" I heard a laughter on the other line "No but I will..!"
"You better!"
"Aight, chill...Bye (y/n), I love you.
"Love you too."

Sorry for the short chapter i really dont know what to write lmaooo PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS!! :'(
love you guys, thank you so much for supporting me <3

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