Part One

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Unknown: Our table is in the VIP section. Go to the red current and say my name.

I hesitated in front of the five star restaurant. At least I know the address wasn't to a death dungeon. But I was extremely under dressed. But to be fair, I don't have the money to dress up like that. I just had a Gap romper on with a hand-me-down denim jacket and scuffed high top white converse.

I shuffled through my purse to make sure I have my taser, just in case. Inside of the actual restaurant, everyone was looking at my less than attire.

Waitress: Good Evening ma'am how can we help you tonight?

Me: Um, I'm here on a reservation for Kim.

Waitress: First Name?

Me: I'm not sure. But we're seating in VIP.

Waitress: I see. Follow me please.

The tough looking security guard unhooked the red velvet rope and opened the curtain for me to go through.

Guard: Back corner.

Me: Thank you.

The VIP section has a dark vibe, velvet walls and black polish wood tables. In the booth in the far back left corner, was a man. He looked different than what I remember from his profile picture, and different than I expected to see on that kind of app.

He was in an obvious expensive suit, his icy rolex twinkled in the light. He has these...really deep chocolate eyes. When they met mine, I swear that my heart stopped beating. It's like the world froze and the restaurant got dead silent.

Man: Are you Nari?

He raised an eyebrow when I didn't respond right away. I was still kinda frozen in my place. He has this intimidating aura. Enough for me to want to run, but still enough to make my mind too blank to move.

Me: Uh... Yeah that's me. And you're Mr. Kim?

Man: That's me princess. Have a seat.

I did as he told me, clutching on my bag. On the table was a bottle of blood red wine and two filled glasses. I sat a safe distance away from him, I felt like I was starting to regret every decision I made to this point. My leg was shaking under the table, I was biting the inside of my cheek, and fiddling with my fingers.

Man: You seem tense.

Me: Is it that obvious?

Man: You're shaking.

Me: Heh. I uh. You're just not what I expected Mr. Kim.

Man: Just say Namjoon

Me: Oh. Right. Sorry.

Namjoon: Don't say sorry.

I released a little bit on my taser.

Me: So-. Right. Ok.

Namjoon: *chuckles* I can tell this is your first time.

Me: That obvious?

Namjoon: You're quiet, talk really softly. You seem a little nervous.

Me: I am a little.

Namjoon: Well, I can order another bottle so both of us can relax.

Me: But that bottle is expensive...

He just chuckled again, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, and pulling me closer. I dropped my bag somewhere in the booth, now completely unarmed. I felt small against him. His body is big and bulky, and he has a sweet smelling and mildly seductive colone.

Namjoon: Better?

Me: i guess...

He twisted some hair from my ponytail between his fingers. His eyes were studying my face closely, tracing down my chin.

Namjoon: *whispering* I don't think I've seen anyone more beautiful than you.

Me: *flushed* thank you.

Namjoon: This seems tight how about you just-

He pulled my scrunchie from my hair. He hummed when all my hair fell down at once over my ears.

Namjoon: Perfection.

Me: You're just saying that.

Namjoon: Hm. I wish we could trade eyes so you see what I see.

He poured two glasses of the wine on the table and handed one to me.

Me: No thanks.

Namjoon: One glass won't kill you. You're over nineteen right?

Me: Yeah, just turned a few weeks ago.

Namjoon: Shouldn't you be in school then?

Me: Um, that's sorta why I'm here. I... umm.

Namjoon: Don't be shy princess.

Me: *chokes*. Um, I can't exactly, pay my tuition.

Namjoon: Why is that? What's wrong with your parents?

Me: My dad passed recently, and he was you know, going to pay. But now that he's gone, I don't really have a support system.

Namjoon: So, you go on a sugar daddy website for an actually daddy?

Me: What? I thought it was a sponsorship website.

Namjoon: Princess, that's a euphemization.

Me: What do you mean euphemization?

Namjoon: That doesn't matter. I don't mind helping you pay for school if that's what you want.

Me: Really?! You'd do that for me?

Namjoon: And then some.

Me: H-How is this going to work?

Namjoon: Think of me as a genie who doesn't stop giving you wishes. You want tuition paid for? Done. I'll put you down as my dependent. You can have anything you desire. Whether it's a new phone, jewelry, an expensive bottle of wine...perhaps a car. Hm?

He tucked some hair behind my ear as he spoke. The warmth of his finger made my skin tingle where he grazed. Everything after tuition just became background noise. I got lost in him.

Let's say he was a serial killer. His voice would be enough for him to lure me into his jigsaw tourture chamber. I watched how his lips moved perfectly when he talked, his adam's apple bobbing, and I suddenly became tempted to pull his tie in for him to kiss me.

Namjoon: ...And all of that with a small cost.

Me: Wait what?

Namjoon: Don't worry. Not with money.

Me: What do I have to do?

Namjoon: It's simple.

He slipped a hotel key card from his pocket and handed it to me.

Namjoon: Starting tomorrow, every friday night, you will go to the Manilva Hotel at 10 pm, and go up to room 1403. And you don't tell a soul.

Me: Why can't I tell anyone?

Namjoon: I need the discretion.

Me: Ok but what do I need at a hotel?

Namjoon: Shh. You don't need to worry your pretty head about anything princess. After all, I'm here to solve all your problems. 

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