Part Fifteen

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As it turned out, Costco was closed. When we were done laughing about our poor knowledge of opening hours, Namjoon took us to a regular supermarket. Fun was kinda spoiled when I started to get really bad cramps, so he put me inside of the shopping cart and pushed me around in it. 

The lady at the register said that we were a cute couple, and I remembered  he’s not my boyfriend. 

Ok, anyone who has been in this situation before, is it normal to catch feelings for your Sugar Daddy? 


Namjoon’s house is fat. 

Not like a regular fat. Fat with a ph. He has a phat house. It’s so phat that it doesn’t deserve the label of house. It’s a whole freaking estate. 

The house he took me to was far outside the city and kinda isolated from everything. It’s like one of those mysterious mansions that have a long twisty driveway through the woods before you actually at the gates. 

He has a circular driveway that curves into a six car garage. You better believe each of those slots are filled. The first one has his chauffeur van to the tesla that he pulled in with. Each of them black, crisp, and glossy. There is one covered in a white sheet, but I bet it’s still as sharp as the rest of them.

Me: Your house is really pretty. 

Namjoon: It’s ok.

Me: Just ok? 

Namjoon: I’ve seen better. 

Me: Where could you have possibly seen better than this place? 

Namjoon: Try looking in the mirror and you’ll find out yourself.

Me: Ok. That was smooth. 

The inside of his house is just as flawless as the outside. It’s one of those houses you immediately take your shoes off when you enter. The floors are just as shiny and black as his cars. The kitchen has a black marble counter and dark oak cabinets, the walls a deep red. Everything about his life is so aesthetically pleasing. 

Me: Whoa.

Namjoon: It’s just a house princess. 

Me: It’s a gorgeous house though. Can I sit up here? 

Namjoon: I don’t care. 

I tried boasting myself up to the countertop. I’m not weak, don’t ever think I’m weak. The countertop is just, higher than most. 

Namjoon: Do you need help? 

Me: *struggling* Nope. 

Namjoon: *smiling* Are you sure? 

Me: *still struggling* I’m positive. 

Two hands took my waist and propped me right up on the counter. I know I probably shouldn’t say this but, Namjoon has this thing were he handles me around. He can just grab me and put me wherever, like manhandling but not manhandling. He’s always gentle with me when he does, and I really like it when he does. 

I like it when he touches my thigh the way he’s doing now. And when he’s stares at me like he just adores every single thing about me. 

Namjoon: If there is a god, he took centuries on you. 

Me: stop it. 

Namjoon: I can’t help it. You’re just so...perfect.

Me: Dude, I’m on my period. 

Namjoon: I know. I just want to-

He cupped my face, pressing our lips together and moving them softly. The effect his kisses have on me is insane. It’s like time just stops. And it’s just the two of us. Nothing else matters except for his lips and fingertips caressing every inch of open skin. I know the next time I’m here, and you know...not on my period, he’s gonna ruin me on this counter. 

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