Part Two

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In case the previous was confusing for you, I guess I should give you background.

My name is Kang Nari. 

Once upon a time, there was nothing,

Absolutely nothing that made me happier than my payday. I like seeing the number in my bank account go from $38.97 to $3,638.97.

But nothing pissed me off more than having to spend that money on groceries, bills, mortgage for my home. Then I'm down to $84.22.

Nothing rains down on your self esteem more than seeing all that money go away. But I had no choice. My dad and I were struggling to keep a roof over our heads. So he worked double shifts so I could go to school in the arts.

And I take my art to cosmetics...or more specifically nail art. I was too young to work in the salon in town, so I started charging the girls at my school to do their nails until I was sixteen and finally got the job and my back account.

But sadly I didn't get into school through art, I got in through cheer-leading. I don't have a full ride, but it was perfect for my dad's budget.

Until recent events.

Please don't feel bad for me, it he had heart problems since I was little. When the doctor said that he only had a couple months...none of us were surprised.

He left me some money, but it's not even enough to cover the first semester. And when you are surrounded by people like my friends and roommates Sooji, Peach, Mari, and Zo, when money isn't much of an object to then, you get a little bitter with your wallet.

October 27th, 2018, the day right after the release of the new phone, was the day I decided I wanted new friends. I was sitting there with a regular degular Samsung Galaxy J3 Prime, that's in a glittery blue chevron case with fake Swarovski gems in it.

On the other hand, the others were fighting over what color phone they were going to get.

Mari: Well, I'm the prettiest one out of the five of us, so I get yellow.

Zo: I want yellow you conceited bitch.

Sooji: Both of you calm the hell down. It's a phone. If it's that deep get a yellow case.

Zo: No! The yellow glass is all about the aesthetic.

Peach: I ensure you Zo, it isn't that deep.

Whenever him and Mari go at it, they GO AT IT. They always end up fighting over things like this, but the reason why they are so close is that they decide to twin on everything.

Take this moment for an instance. Last week they got into a fight over who could pull off the light wash gucci denim jacket they found. They both tried it on and Mari wanted to buy it with him.

They are wearing said jackets now. As well as a black v-neck and ripped jeans matched with old skool white vans.

Mari: We twin on everything! Just let me have the yellow!

Store Clerk: Are you guys finding everything okay?

Zo: No. Please tell snobby over here that I should be able to pick what I want for once.

Me: Zo, why don't you get the red one?

Zo: Why?

Me: Well, you always loved red and black. Your corvette out there is black. You also always paint your nails black or gold. And it will match almost everything in the apartment. And think about your insta page. Red will be perfect new theme.

Zo: Damn. See Nari? What would we do without you?

Sooji: Crash and burn.

Mari: I'm Yellow, Zo is red, Peach is coral respectively so, and Sooji is white.

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