Aqours First Concert

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The next day I woke up to Chika saying "hey Taylor are you up, I hope we could got to the school together" I said "maybe if I don't answer she'll think I'm asleep" she said "I can hear you talking to yourself, come on You and Riko is going to be there as well" I said "alright fine give me a second to get ready" she said "thanks, I'll wait for you outside so hurry up" I got up and said "well there no talking my way out of this" I went to freshen up and join Chika outside where Riko and You was waiting too, when I walk over to them Chika said "about time, geez we was about to leave you" I said "sorry" Riko said "I'm pretty sure you was the one who told us wait" You said "yea you even beg us to wait for him" Chika blush and said "anyway let get going before we're late" we begin walking to school and while walking I look up and said "hey is it going to rain" You said "yea it is, I hope it doesn't affect our concert" Riko said "well we can only hope" I heard Chika said "no I know we'll get enough people to come out today" I said "hey why are you doing this" You said "our director made us a deal, if we can fill up the whole gym with people and perform for them then she'll approve the club" I nod and Riko said "yea so make sure you cheer loud for us" I wave my hand and said "yea sure" when we finally arrive at the school we went into the gym and while they was getting setup in the back I was lend against the stage when I heard someone said "oh who is this handsome guy standing by himself" I turn to see a girl with blonde hair looking at me so I said "sorry I'll move" she grab my arm and said "no you're fine" I nod and she said "you don't talk much do you" I shake my head and she said "I have an idea, how would you like to join Uranohoshi as a student" I said "I'm a guy" she said "and I'm a girl, so who said you can't join" I shake my head and she was about to say something when we heard Chika said "hey what are you doing" another girl said "you stole this from us" the blonde hair girl said "come on let go" I sigh and follow her back stage where Chika, Riko, You, and four more girls was gather around arguing about something and when we walk up the girl with long black hair said "Mari what are you doing here" the blonde girl said "we heard you fighting so we came back here" Chika said "Riki won't give back what she stole" the girl with short brown hair said "then give me back what you three took from me and I'll give your outfit" Riko said "but we didn't take anything" she said "quit lying to me I know someone here took it, if it's not you three then what about Ruby and Hanamaru" I saw the girl with long brown hair and short red hair back up then the girl with long black hair said "don't blame my sister, she wouldn't steal anything" Riki said "then someone better find it" Mari said "alright let calm down" I said "what did they take" Riki said "that's private, I can't tell anyone with the student council president and the director here" I look around and said "director" Mari said "it's me" I shake my head and when I did I smell something then Chika said "what wrong" that smell I know it from somewhere but where, I heard You said "hey Taylor are you okay" I shake my head and said "alright if you don't want to tell me what you lost then would you tell me if I guess it right" Riki said "yea I guess so" I turn to Ruby and said "before that who are you two" she said "I'm Ruby Kurosawa" the other girl said "I'm Hanamaru Kunikida" I turn to the girl with black hair and she said "Dia Kurosawa if you must know" I said "I was going to ask if you light" Riki jump a bit and Dia said "huh do you smoke" I said "no I just seeing what you will say" she said "you're stupid" Chika said "hey can we hurry up, we still got a concert to put on" I said "alright, so where was you three when you came in" Riko said "we was right over there before Riki came running in" You said "then after she ran it yelling Dia, Ruby, and Hanamaru came after" I walk over to the table and for some reason I smell something again then I said "okay I figure this out, now the question do you want to return their outfit or should I talk about what you got hiding" Riki said "I'm not hiding anything" Dia said "did you figure it out" I said "hey Mari, Dia, do you mind stepping out" Mari said "huh why" I said "cause I don't want both of you to hear this" Dia said "alright we're step out" after they both left Hanamaru said "what about us" I said "are you part of the student council" they both shake their head then I said "I notice something when I got backstage, I smell something bad" Chika started sniffing and she said "I don't smell anything" I said "cause it's very faint and you won't be able to smell it unless......" Riki said "take the outfit" she threw the outfit at You and after she caught them she left then Riko said "what happen" I said "your welcome" You said "what smell was you talking about" before I could say it I heard Dia said "hey is everything alright back here" I turn to see Dia and Mari walking toward us so I turn to the girls and mimic a smoking person then said "alright I'm going to be out there" I walked off and decide to go outside for a bit, when I got outside I saw a girl with blue hair up in a ponytail holding a umbrella by the door so I said "there no one in there if you want to go in" she said "it's alright I'm going to watch from outside" I nod and said "oh alright" she look at me with her beautiful purple eyes so I look away and she said "are you new in town" I said "yea I just move here, I'm Taylor Oreki" she said "nice to meet you I'm Kanan Matsuura" I saw some people walking so I said "well I guess it's about to start, I'm going inside if you need me" she said "alright it was nice talking with you"I went inside and once I was standing in the middle I said "what a......" I turn to see a girl with dark hair wearing sunglasses and a mask so I said "do I want to know" she said "who are you" I said "if I said I was an assassin sent to the past to kill someone would you believe me" she laughs and said, "you're a weird one" I said, "look who talking mask woman" she said, "my name is Yohane" I nod and said, "alright and I'm ace detective" before she could say anything I saw the curtain to the stage open up and when they step forward they said, "we are Aqours" Riko said, "brilliant that shine in us all" You said, "the will to never give up" Chika said, "and the power to believe in your dream, that why we became school idol so we can inspire other just like Muse, please enjoy our show" when the music start and they started performing I feel like I was in another world but before I could stay I heard a loud clash then the power went off leaving the gym silent. I look up on stage to see Chika with her head down and I think she was trying to hold back the tears so I sigh and said "this is great" I look up at her again to see her crying so I said "hey what are you crying for Chika" everyone look at me and I said "you're not supposed to cry till after the concert" she said, "but...." I said "but nothing, you promise me your show will be amazing, well I'm waiting" before she could say anything we heard someone said "stupid Chika, you gave me the wrong start time" I turn to see Mito standing by the door then the light started coming on one by one revealing the gym full of people so I said "now I'm embarrassed, maybe I can sneak out of here" while sneaking out I heard Chika and them started singing again but before I could exit someone grab my shirt and said "where are you going" I turn to see Mari standing there so I said "umm no where" she said "make sure you come to school tomorrow got it" I said "what happen if....." she got in my face and said "school tomorrow" I nod and said "alright of course I was joking" she smile and when she let go I slip outside to see Kanan walking away from the gym but before I could go after her I heard someone said "together we're going to shine" I look inside the gym to everyone cheering so I yawn and said "man I'm tired" I decide to head back home early since I used up to much energy today.

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