After Marilynn patched up Nate's cut they hopped in his car, picked up his brothers, and headed to school. Then at lunch they made arrangements for Nate's brothers to stay at his grandparents place and for him to hang with Marilynn for the night.
Nate's POV
My mother and father are running toward my brothers and me, yelling our names and how much they love us. Then they stop and start arguing and my youngest brother, Luke disappears then my second to youngest brother, Kyle disappears. I get scared and I see my parents look at me like zombies, the earth splits at their feet and then...
they're gone.
Marilynn's POV
Nate is staying over at my house again but his brothers are staying at his grandparents house and I feel so bad for him, his parents have been fighting for two months straight. They act as if they don't even care about Nate and his brothers anymore. Nate has to drive his brothers everywhere and he quit the football team because he doesn't have time to go to practice.
I got up and walked to the blue recliner in the corner of my room to wake Nate but I didn't. His hair was a complete mess but it was kind of cute and you could see he was dreaming about happy things. Then he gets this grimacing look on his face and starts fidgeting like he's in pain. He yells and kicks me in the stomach,"Nate. Nate. Time to get up! Nate!" I spat holding my stomach attempting and failing to gradually get loader,"Wha! Yeah, ok, I'm awake!" he choked out in response. "Nate, are you ok?" I knew I sounded worried,"Yeah I'm ok, I promise. We, um, we should probably head to school."
Nate's POV
In school I can't focus on my work all I can think about is that dream I have every night. I miss my old parents, they were so in love, until my dad got fired from his job. I can't imagine how bad it is for Luke and Kyle, they're so young, too young to go through this. "Nate." oh crap, the math teacher started speaking to me,"Yeah, um, sorry I, um, what was the question?" I was so embarrassed. "Nate, are you ok, I had to say your name four times. What are you thinking about?" the teacher was questioning me again. She always does this, and I don't know why, my grades are fine, for now, why does she care about my feelings?
Mrs.Hawl's POV
I've been worried about Nate lately he seems to drift away from his work at about the same time everyday. When I call his name he doesn't answer but when he does he's lost and confused. I know something's up but I don't know what and he hasn't reported anything to either of the councilors. RING! "There's the bell, you may go! Nate! I would like to speak to you, come here please." I hollered over the students as I floated my eyes to their papers. "Good afternoon, Mrs.Hawl. What did you need to speak to me about?" he asked trying to sound kind. "Nate, I've noticed you haven't been totally focussed on your school work. Are you having problems at home? Can I help at all?" I asked,"No, I'm fine everything's good. Thanks for asking though." he started to walk away.
"Don't lie to me!" I yelled after him, "Why do you even care? Your not my mother. And you should be GLAD! I'll tell you what you wanna hear, my dad hits my mom, hard, and I've been running away from home because he hits me and my brothers, too!" His face got red and a tears started flowing down his cheeks,"Are you happy now?"
He fell to his knees and began sobbing loudly,"Nate. I'm sorry, I didn't know. Now I do, so I can help. Do you need some help?" I asked sitting myself on the floor next to him. He nodded and stood up wiping his tears,"Yes Mrs.Hawl, I do need help, but I don't WANT help." I stood up and straitened out, by the time I looked up, he was gone.
Author note
Ooh, SNAP! Mrs.Hawl will be throughout the book but not all the time. Thanks for reading. Comment and vote, bye!

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