30- The Sanders Prank War (Part 3)

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None, I think?
789 words

Five days after Roman had woken up physically incapable of speaking, his hand finally flew away from his face, much to his relief. He missed speaking, and singing- oh my goodness, all the family karaoke nights he'd missed (Patton and Logan had no idea what was going on, although Logan was most likely relieved by the unusual quiet over the last few days).

Of course, Roman was going to make sure that he got his revenge. And how sweet his revenge would be. Virge would never see it coming.

He wanted to make sure that he didn't act straight after Deceit had lifted his 'curse' or whatever it was; Virgil would be expecting that. And hey; Roman could be clever. Most of the time.

A few nights later, Roman had collected everything he needed. He waited. At precisely 3:00AM, he teleported into Virgil's room as silently as possible. He used his phone as a light, propping it up on Virgil's desk; he had to admit, Virgil looked rather adorable when he was sleeping.

He looked entirely at peace- Roman hardly ever saw him actually relaxed. He frowned softly in his sleep, his mouth sometimes ever so slightly moving, as if he was talking silently to himself. His bangs covered most of his face.

It was a shame, Roman thought; he was about to completely ruin Virgil's cute face.

Of course, Roman had brought only the most amazing makeup with him. The makeup that Virgil would hate.

Bright red lipstick, glitter for thousands, mascara; the brighter, the better.

Roman rolled up his pyjama sleeves, and silently got to work.

Virgil's head flew off his pillow as a bright flash filled the room. Along with the sound of a loud click.

A camera flash.

In an instant, Virgil was fully awake, sitting up and scanning the room for the culprit.

"Hey, Roman! I saw the flash, idiot. Your plan failed, whatever it was, so you might as well surrender now..."

But no one could be found. Virgil sighed, and lay back down.

Meanwhile, Roman had teleported to safety, away from 'the scene of the crime'. He was now in the kitchen; where he had 'been all morning'. Innocent until proven guilty, he thought, smirking.

Minutes later, Virgil groaned. He couldn't go back to sleep now. Stupid Roman. He rolled out of bed, not bothering to look at the time. He just knew it was stupidly early. He walked right past the mirror (a deadly mistake) and stumbled downstairs, still trying to wake up.

Logan and Patton were already in the kitchen when Roman decided to suddenly appear out of nowhere; Logan nearly choked on his coffee.

"Was that necessary?" Logan snapped.

"Well, a Prince must enter in style, right?"

"Roman, for the last time, you're not a-"

He was interrupted by Patton's muffled laughter. He was covering his mouth with his hand, seemingly trying not to offend Virgil- who was at the foot of the stairs, somehow knowing that the laughter was aimed at him.

"What's going on here...?" Virgil asked, eyebrow raised.

Roman spun around. Oh, this was glorious. Virgil had been woken up so early he hadn't even been bothered to put on his eyeshadow; resulting in him coming downstairs, with Roman's marvellous makeover all over his face.

He wished he took more photos.

He had bright red lipstick on, slightly smudged. He'd obviously rubbed his eyes, because Roman's mascara was all over his face. What was amazing, though, was the glitter; bright red glitter, made to look like freckles, covering Virgil's cheeks and nose.

"You- look- great, kiddo," Patton said, in between laughs that he desperately tried not to hide.

"What? I know, big deal, I haven't put any eyeshadow on. Because someone-" he glared specifically at Roman- "woke me up at the crack of dawn."

Roman grinned. "Why, I've been here all morning!" he exclaimed.

Patton looked on, confused. "So you didn't put glitter on?"

Virgil nearly laughed. "Glitter?! Patton, you know I hate glitter, I'd never go near the stuff."

Then it all clicked into place.

With a threatening growl, he said, "I swear to God, Roman, if you've done anything to my face..."

And with that, he ran upstairs to fix the damage.

As soon as he left, Roman nearly fell off his chair in surprise. Logan burst out laughing.

"I hate to say it," Logan laughed, "but good job, Roman."


A slightly muffled, but still very clear, yell came from Virgil's room. His voice was distorted and echoing.

All three of them laughed then.

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