Author's Notice:

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...So. Hi. It's been a while.

Okay, this is to the very few people that may've noticed I haven't been exactly sticking to my usual rigid schedule. At all.

I used to post every single week, at a scheduled time. Consistency. I used to be so good at that.

But then, LIFE showed up. I got interested in other fandoms, work got in the way, and to be completely honest...

I was embarrassed that I wrote fanfiction. I used to love it, but the older I got the more I was kinda ashamed, y'know?

I've still got over 20 finished drafts saved on here from over six months ago. I kind of disappeared on you guys, and I'm really sorry about that.

But as much as I hate to admit it, I love writing this stuff. Absolutely adore it. And now that life is no longer an issue (due to the massive pandemic that you may have noticed...), and I'm stuck in my house, I've decided to continue! By the way, I hope you're all doing okay right now- it's pretty scary, and I'm sorry we all have to go through this.

I'm back! I sincerely apologise for disappearing, and I can't promise that it'll never happen again, but for now, I'm back, and my old schedule will be back in business.

For any of you who are still reading this, thank you. It means a lot that you've stuck around to hear me, not just my stories.

-Cassie 💟

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