33- The Sanders Prank War (Part 6)

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None, I think?
831 words

"I don't like that look on your face," Virgil said grimly.

Roman smiled at him from across the sofa, seemingly unaffected by Virgil's sour mood.

"I have a brilliant idea," Roman said, "And it involves you!"

"So that's why you dragged me down here in the middle of the night?" Virgil muttered, almost to himself. "Great."

"We should join forces!"

"Wait, what?!" This was not Virgil's idea of 'brilliant'. "Wha- why?! No. No way."

"Oh, come on, storm cloud!" Roman grinned. "You'll love it."

"I've already decided I hate it."

"Of course you did, you're you," Roman replied. "But I am certain I can change your mind. If we join forces- we can prank both Logan and Patton." Virgil perked up slightly at this. Noticing, Roman smiled and said, "Don't you want revenge for Logan's little stunt?"

"Perhaps," Virgil mused. "But I'm still not on your side. This is a war against me and you. Not us against Logan."

"I thought you'd say that. And yes, whilst this is against us... This prank will be amazing. And utterly humiliate Logan."

Virgil sighed. "I'm listening."

In a few minutes, they had everything prepared. They had innocently feigned going to bed, and then got up no more than an hour later. Roman giggled quietly to himself every few minutes.

"Are you trying to get us caught?" Virgil hissed.

"Oh, come on; just think about how funny this'll be!"

Virgil fought off a smile, glad that Roman couldn't see him in the dark. As if on cue, Roman flicked on the lights, glancing over at Virgil's suspiciously red face.

"Are- are you blushing?" Roman asked incredulously.

"Don't be stupid," Virgil snapped. "Let's just get this over with. So I can go to bed, and not spend more time than I have to here with you."

Bemused, Roman watched Virgil march down the hall, and followed him slowly, a smile growing on his face. He noticed that Virgil didn't actually answer his question.
The next morning, Virgil innocently teleported downstairs to find Roman already there, lying on the sofa and snoring slightly. Virgil smiled, before turning it into a scowl. Stupid Roman, being so stupidly cute-

Was Roman cute? Virgil scowled properly then, at himself. No. No way. He was not going to do this. Never would he even think to have a crush on Roman.

He sat down on the sofa opposite Roman, eyeing him carefully, afraid of waking him up. Not that he cared if he woke him up, obviously.

He sighed, reaching for the TV remote. It was insanely early; it would be a while until Patton and Logan woke up and the fun would really start.
Roman jolted awake two hours later as he heard annoyed yells coming from upstairs. He grinned, wondering where Virgil was- he glanced over to see him on the other sofa, asleep with a small smile on his face. Roman was impressed; he had to be a deep sleeper to sleep through the chaos upstairs.

Roman nudged him, giggling. "Virge?"

Virgil groaned. "What gives?" he said groggily.

"They've woken up!" Roman said.

Virgil immediately grinned. "Good. Let's go up there and brag about it."

The two of them carefully teleported upstairs, placing themselves in a spot in the centre of the hallway that they had left empty. Cups filled with water covered the floor of the entire hallway; and Patton and Logan's rooms. It was impossible to move without being soaked- and they wouldn't have much of a chance of teleporting downstairs either, as the kitchen was filled with cups too.

It was Logan who they heard first.

"What on earth- is the meaning of this?!"

"Hey, Lo," Virgil called back. "What's up?"

"You know very well what is up," he seethed. "Let me out this instant!"

"As much as we would love to, that wouldn't be that entertaining, Logan," Roman said, bursting out laughing.

"Roman? Virgil? Is that you?"

"Morning, Pat," Virgil replied.

Patton's head peeked out of his door, looking extremely confused.

"What's going on?" Patton asked, giggling nervously.

"Terribly sorry, Patton," Roman said. "But we're afraid that we're involving you in this little battle of pranks."

Patton glanced down at the floor before bursting out laughing, much to Logan's annoyance.

"Aw, c'mon, Logan," Patton said, noticing his face. "It is funny!"

Logan huffed. "If 'completely impractical' is amusing, then yes. This is extremely hilarious." He paused, before frowning even more. "I may collapse at any moment due to laughing too much."

Virgil caught onto the sarcasm and stifled a laugh. Roman, however, didn't appreciate Logan's sense of humour.

"This," Roman said, gesturing to the chaos surrounding them, "is a stroke of genius, and you know it."

"A joint stroke of genius," Virgil said quickly.

"Kiddos," Patton said tentatively. "Can we... Be let out now?"

Virgil and Roman burst out laughing simultaneously.

"See you two later," Virgil said, sinking down.

Roman smirked, following suit. "Bye!"

"You two get back here this second-"

"Kiddos, c'mon-"

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