Weekly Log: 1

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Casey was alone. Pleasantly alone. She was a very glass half full person- who was always forced into finding the brighter side. And the brighter side of being kidnapped was hat she didn't have to suffer the sight of her Uncle- or anyone else for that matter. 

She was lucky to be treated as well as she was. She had a clean room with a bed; a spotless bathroom along with the equipment to keep it that way, which helped clear her mind; she had regular visits from Hedwig, which she had grown to really enjoy. He was an innocent child, with no motive other than wanting a friend. Casey didn't have a choice when it came to spending time with him- but if she did, she would have made the choice to be friends with the child. Hedwig had actually given her a gift. A diary, and a packet of crayons. She was very grateful as she knew they meant a great deal to him.

"It's okay, I'll tell Mr Dennis I lost mine and then he'll buy me some more. He's been really kind to me since you came,"

"Really? Was he not nice to you before?"

"He thinks I'm..." his eyes welled up, "stupid... and he thinks I make silly mistakes but- but that's all changed now you're here and nobody will make fun of me anymore!"

"No, Hedwig. Nobody will make fun of you anymore," she smiled, sad. She could see he was underappreciated. That he felt small and insignificant, "Hedwig, you're great, okay? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise or make you feel sad because, you're... you're fricking awesome!" she smiled, choosing words she knew would cheer him up.

"Really?" he smiled, bashful.

"Yeah! I've never met anyone like you before," 

"I uh... I drew you this," he passed her a piece of paper that was folded in his pocket.

"Awe, thank you Hedwig,"

"I know you wanted to see my window so I made you one of your own," he smiled, proud, "see," he stuck it to the wall with tac and lifted the page up and down, "now it's closed... and now it's open," he grinned, "it took me a long time to finish it,"

"Thank you, Hedwig. It's great. Will Mr Dennis get mad if he sees it?"

"No, I asked if I could make you one and he said yes. Just, don't let him see the book and the crayons or he'll get ANGRY... exetera," she put them under the pillow so he knew she could be trusted.

"I won't... it can be our secret," it was with that phrase that the tears slowly began. 

"Casey? Casey! This isn't funny," Hedwig shook her but she didn't feel a thing. She just felt the pain replaying in her head. Her eyes were closed shut so tight that it would almost be a miracle for any light to return to them, "Did I do something wrong? Should I get Mr Dennis?"

Casey didn't hear him. Couldn't hear him. Not if she tried. She was only awoken when she felt a heartbeat on her palm and he breath regulated. When she eventually opened her eyes, she saw Dennis kneeled in front of her, holding her hand to his chest.

"Are you all right?" he asked. She could see that the usual anger had fallen from his face and been replaced with concern. 

She nodded.

"What made this happen?" 

She shook her head as more tears fell.

"It's okay, you can tell me if you need to. Or Patricia if it's-"

"I don't want to talk about it," she sniffed as the tears gradually stopped. 

"Is there anything I can do?"

Casey hesitated before she stammered, "There is something that would make me feel better,"

"And that is?"

She slowly lifted her arms and came closer to his shoulders so he could pull away if he wasn't comfortable. She knew he had OCD, and didn't want to upset him. He recognised her caution and pulled her slightly tighter into the hug, rubbing her back stiffly.

"It's okay," he said, softly, "It's all okay," he actually found that he enjoyed the embrace. He didn't know why but he was drawn to this girl.

"How's Hedwig?"

"A little shaken up, but he'll be okay when he's done some colouring,"

"He told me he lost his crayons,"

Dennis sighed, "thank you for telling me,"

"Thank you for helping me through that... will I be able to talk to him?"

"Tomorrow perhaps. For now, you need to rest,"

"What time is it?"

Dennis looked at his watch, "7:38,"

"It's reassuring to know the time,"

Dennis pulled away from the hug and scooped Casey up, slowly, so he didn't push any boundaries, and laid her on the bed before brushing the tears from her cheeks with the back of his fingers. She fell asleep almost instantly, and so, he straightened up. He removed his watch and placed it on the table beside her. He adjusted it's position two or three times before he glanced at Casey one last time and left the room.

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