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"No. Absolutely not. Didn't you hear Dr Fletcher?"

"You have to,"

"I don't have to do anything."

"Look, the problems Dennis is facing stem back to Kevin. The only way to calm Dennis is by bringing Kevin to the light. I'm aware that Dr Fletcher told you how to do that."

"Yes. She did. But I'm not putting them through that,"


"Because it doesn't just force Kevin to the light. It forces them all to reach for the light, it's chaos. Besides, I don't even think it works anymore,"

"And why is that?"

Casey's eyes widened for a second.


"There might be another way. A few ways actually,"

"Tell me,"

"There's no point. Only I can do it, and I'm not doing it,"

"If only you can do it then why not tell me?"

"Because I don't trust you,"

In truth, there was more than one way. But they all involved something she promised herself she wouldn't do.

Option 1. Say the name. That was beyond being off the table.

Option 2. Convince Hedwig to bring Kevin into the light. That involved using Hedwig for his power. Manipulating him.

Option 3. Get the beast to come to the light and reason with him. His whole purpose is to protect Kevin. If I tell him that the only way to protect Kevin is to bring him to the light, it could work. But that would involve manipulating Hedwig, and in turn Dennis. 

She had to make a decision, and quick. 

Before she knew it, she was sat with Dennis again.

"Hey Case," he smiled, with water filling his eyes.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Where's Dr Staple?"

"She let me see you on my own this time. She can still see on the camera," 

"I've been thinking, maybe you should go to the college you were interested in,"

"In Boston? That's 6 hours away,"

"Yeah but you know your place there is safe," he said, emphasising the word, only slightly, "it's a great opportunity. You've got your whole life ahead of you. College will make it the best it can be. New experiences. New people. New town. There are a lot of bad memories here and I think it would help you move on from it all and come back when you've got yourself together," He looked at her with desperation, "please," he mouthed. 

"I'll think about it. But college doesn't start for months,"

"Maybe not but-" suddenly, the lights shut off, "Elijah," he whispered.

"Dennis?" Casey asked.

"Listen to me Casey, we only have a minute or so before the cameras are back on. It's not safe. They have your address and they're black mailing me with you. You have to leave. Go far away, and I'll come find you I promise,"

"They're not letting you out of here any time soon,"

He put his hands in front of him and felt her shoulder, pulling her into a hug, "There's a man here. He's going to help us. He's-" the lights came back on.

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