Target #1

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Deku's Point of View:

Everything was going amazing! We just moved into the dorms and everybody seems really happy. After Bakugo's kidnapping we have had to be more alert unfortunately. After we got our hero licenses we had a talk about self defense with the teachers. Apparently those of us with stronger quirks that competed in the festival are being targeted by the villains, so now we have many more rules in place.

I'm thankful that the hero's are worried for us but we have to stay on school grounds unless a pro will come with us. I don't mind staying on school grounds but that makes it hard for me to visit my constantly worrying mother. I call her everyday using the dorm phone because we aren't allowed to have ours for safety.

"Hey Deku!" Uraraka called breaking me out of my thoughts. I greeted her and we started having a conversation,

"So we've all been stuck in the dorms and I thought it would be a good idea to ask Aizawa if we could go as a class to get dinner!" She exclaimed clearly excited. I agree with her and she said she'll go talk to Aizawa if I could go spread the word to everybody. We parted and I headed to the common room.

Alright I could yell and get everybody attention at once or I could do this one on one. My anxiety wouldn't allow me to get everybody's attention on me so I decided to go one on one. I started off with the ones I though would be harder to convince like Tokoyami, Bakugo, and Todoroki.

"H-hey Kacchan!" I walked up to where Kacchan and Kirishima were sitting. Kirishima flashed me his toothy smile and waved while Bakugo huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Katsu be nice!" Kirishima elbowed Kacchan. I forgot to mention Kirishima and Kacchn started dating after we moved in. Kacchan's attitude defiantly improved ever since and he has bee nicer to everyone.

"What do you want shit ner-Deku." Bakugo started Kirishima giving him a look of approval. "S-so tonight we were going to do a c-lass dinner s-so that we c-can get out of the d-dorms!" Kirishima was excited but Kacchan didn't seem to care.

Before Kacchan had time to reply Kirishima answered for them, "Of course we will be there bro!" Alright one down two to go.

I saw my crush, Todoroki, sitting on a bar stool by the kitchen. He was drinking tea and reading a book. I sheepishly walked up to him and sat next to him. We had been considerably closer after he fight with Stain but I didn't know if he liked me back. I gave him the speech about going to get dinner as a class and he nodded. I guess that's just his way of saying yes.

"Awesome! I'm so glad you are coming you make everything ten times better!" I blushed a little realizing what I had just said but he looked at me an gave me a small smile. Holy heck did he just smile! At Me! Before I got too flustered I said goodbye to him and went to go convince Tokoyami.

~Time Skip~

Everybody was on board to go to dinner, even Aizawa. I only hade 30 minuted to get ready. I changed into something casual and met up with everybody in the common room.

Aizawa had gotten a bus for us to take to the restaurant. Also All Might was coming! This really couldn't get much better. I hung around the back of the line of people getting on the bus, with Uraraka, Tsu, and Todoroki. Iida was trying to get everybody on the bus in a nice orderly fashion. Did I mention Tsu and Uraraka were dating too? Actually half he class is dating somebody, you have Momo and Jirou, Kacchan and Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero, and Ojiro and Hagakure.

"Midoriya are you coming?" Todoroki interrupted me from my thought. I quickly nodded and followed him onto the bus. Now that Uraraka was dating Tsu they spent a lot more time together so I had been hanging out with Todoroki. I sat next to him on the bus and we talked all the way to the restaurant.

We all got out of the bus and we were at a local ramen place. I had only been here once but they do serve my favorite food, Katsudon. I think everybody else had a good idea of what they were going to get because nobody even had to open their menus. We all ordered and talked to the people around us. At my table it was Todoroki next to me, Tsu and Uraraka acroos from us, and Iida had pulled up a chair at the end of the table.

"It's so awesome we get to do this! Maybe after Aizawa and All Might will let us go to the park and take a walk around the pond before the sun sets." Uraraka suggested. Everybody nodded while eating their food.

"That's a great idea!" I said blowing my food off because it was super hot. Todoroki was watching me attempt to cool my food down and offered to help. He touched the bowl with his right hand using his quirk to cool it down.

"Thanks Todoroki!" I said while taking a bite of my food. We all ate our food while talking and laughing. I'm really happy we got to do this.

~Time Skip To After Dinner~

Aizawa and All Might agreed to let us go to a park or field and get our energy out. We took the bus to a huge field with a pond that we were allowed to walk around. Before we were let loose we had some rules set. We weren't allowed to go into the woods or out of Aizawa or All Might's sight. Luckily you could see all the way around the pond.

Before they let us loose Aizawa made it very clear to some people *cough cough* Kaminari *cough cough* that going in the pond was also not allowed.

As soon as we got the 'Ok' me and my group headed down to the pond. Iida took this as a training exercise and decided he was going to go for a run around the pond. Uraraka and Tsu walked slightly ahead of me and Todoroki talking about who knows what. Again it was just me and Todoroki which I was totally fine with.

~Time Skip~

The sun was starting to set and Aizawa told everybody we could only have one more lap around the pond. Everybody was pretty spaced out talking to their friends and it was peaceful walking around the pond watching the sun set.

We were almost done with our lap when there was rustling coming from the woods. I guess Todoroki heard it to because he stopped and looked in the general direction. Only a couple people were still walking and the two teachers were talking not paying attention to us. I inched closer to the woods with Todoroki right behind me trying to figure out what the noise was.

The sun had gone away almost completely so it was hard to see what the noise was. Suddenly a ring of blue fire surrounded me and Todoroki.

"What the Hell is this?" Todoroki said using his ice to put out some of the fire. A portal formed inside the ring and out stepped Dabi, Toga, and a villain I didn't recognize. The unidentified one shot some sort of whip at Todoroki making him immobile.

I charged up my quirk and charged at him but was hit in the shoulder with fire. I fell to the ground grabbing my shoulder. Dammit that hurt, I got back up but was stabbed in the thigh with a knife. I fell to the ground clutching my leg gritting my teeth in pain. My vision was starting to get blurry from either the pain or blood loss.

"Mi-MIDORIYA!" Is the last thing I heard before I had completely passed out.

Todoroki's Point Of View:

Midoriya and I had been surrounded in a ring of blue flames. I knew it was the villains. Dabi, Toga, and another villain stepped out of the portal and smirked at us. My left side burst into flames but I was captured by some sort of whip that canceled my quirk and made me immobile. I watched as Dabi and Toga burnt and stabbed Midoriya to the point where he passed out.

"Mi-MIDORIYA" I yelled as they dragged his body into the portal.

"Nice job guys! Two in one!" Toga shouted as they started pulling me in. I was trying so hard to break the whip but nothing happen. Right before I was in their grasp Aizawa scarf wrapped around me and pulled me back. An explosion sounded and Bakugo ran at the portal.

"Deku!" The villains stepped into the portal and were gone right before Bakugo could reach them. The whip was no longer around me and the ring of fire had died down.

"H-he's g-gone" I whispered.

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