Hospital #10

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Kirishima's Point Of View:

As soon as the ambulance pulled off the property Kat fell asleep. I can't imagine how draining that must have been . When we arrived at the hospital they brought him in on a stretcher. I followed him all the way to the room holding his hand.

As the doctors started running tests on him I pulled up a chair so I could sit next to him. The doctors started with simple tests while he was asleep. They decided that they could take his blood while he slept but as soon as the stuck him with the needle he shot up.

His quirk had activated and he pushed himself up against the wall.

"Woah, calm down you are ok." I reassured him. He looked at me and then back at the doctors. His breath evened out and he laid back down muttering a sorry.

The doctors had to finish taking his blood and he looked terrified. I felt terrible for him and there was really nothing I could do besides rub small circles on his hand. He was on high alert watching the doctors every move.

Luckily the doctors had done almost all the tests while he was asleep. They sensed his uneasiness and left quietly.

"Lay down you need rest too." Kat said barely above a whisper. Climbing onto the bed I made sure to avoid moving him too much. I laid down beside him and nuzzled my head into his chest. He let out a shaky breath and wrapped his arms around me.

"How are you holding up?" I asked. He took awhile to reply which was odd for him. Normally he is very put together and had no problem speaking his mind.

"I-it was terrible," I saw a tear run down his face, " They almost killed Deku right in front of me and I couldn't save him again." He silently cried. I tried to comfort him but it wasn't going well.

"You couldn't do anything, you were a victim too." He just shook his head and buried his face in my hair.

"How am I supposed to be a hero when I can't save somebody right in front of me?" His voice broke.

Todoroki's Point Of View:

We got to the hospital and they insisted on putting Midoriya on a stretcher or bed. I slowly put him down on a bed as to not wake him up or hurt him. They wheeled him into the hospital and to the room next to Bakugo. I followed them in as they started running test moving quite quickly.

Midoriya started moving and his eyes shot open. He sat up quickly obviously not knowing where he was or what was going on. A doctor started talking to him but he just flinched and closed his eyes.

He started to cry and his breathing got rigid. I went over and hugged him as he sobbed in my arms. A doctor got a mask and put it over his face making him freak out more. I held his hands and tried conforting him.

He looked at me with pleading eyes. I didn't know what I could do to help.

"Midoriya the doctors are trying to help you are ok. They are going to fix the cuts and make you feel better." He was still extremely tense and tears were streaming down his face. I slowly made him lay down and he slowly fell asleep with the help of the gas.

The doctors told me they had to take him into surgery and that I was welcome to wait in the room. They rolled him out and I paced back in forth scared for him. A nurse came in to check on my injuries from the fight. I was fine besides some burns and bruises.

After she left I continued to pace the room distracting myself. Midoriya had already been gone for 45 minutes and I haven't heard anything.

As it was close to 4 am a nurse came in with news that I did not want to hear.

"Mr. Midoriya will be out of surgery in 9-13 hours. We have counted 46 stab wounds, he has a dislocated shoulder, his collarbone is broken as well as his left arm," At this point I had tears streaming down my face but she continued, "He had some internal bleeding, a concussion, and has lost a lot of blood. We have put him into a medically induced coma." She finished.

"Why did you have to put him into a coma?" I asked while wiping my tears with the sleeves of my hero costume.

"He is scared out of his mind. The coma is to help with brain inflammation. We slow his brain down basically so that his concussion can not get worse as it has not been treated" She said. (I hope that's right).

"Alright thank you." She nodded and wished me the best as she walked out. I got out my phone and texted Fuyumi.

Hey, we got Midoriya back. I'm at the hospital now and was wondering if you could bring me a change of clothes as I still am in my hero costume.

I sent the message and sat in the chair. Immediately I got a reply back saying that she was on the way. I thanked her and decided to get my mind off if the greenette. I walked next door to Bakugo's room.

I knocked on the door and Kirishima told me to come in. Walking in I saw that Bakugo was asleep with his head in Kirishima's lap. I went and sat in a chair that was pulled up to the bed.

I filled Kirishima in on everything they had to do with Midoriya and he told me they haven't heard anything about Bakugo yet. We continued talking about the future until I got a text from my sister. I waved Kirishima goodbye and left their room.

I walked to the front of the hospital meeting Fuyumi with my change of clothes. She packed my favorite sweatpants and a tank top. She also had brought me soba which I was very grateful for. We talked for a little while until she yawned. I told her to go home and get some sleep.

I walked back up to Midoriya's room and took a shower and changed. I still had to wait hours before MIdoriya came back and they said he'd be in a coma for at least a week.

I wish I could have got to him sooner.

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