Getting You Back #9

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Todoroki's Point Of View:

Pros were surrounding the building so if any villains tried to escape they would be caught. I thought this was going to be a stealth mission but Mt. Lady ran straight in crashing through a wall. The villains seemed stunned at first but started charging up their quirks. 

Me and Kirishima stayed pretty far from the fight waiting for Aizawa's signal. The villains seemed pretty strong but were eventually captured. Some of them escaped through the portal guy and went to who knows where. 

We were watching the fight but also watching for the signal. Finally getting the signal me and Kirishima rushed in trying to avoid the fight and get straight to our classmates. I ran a bit behind Kirishima so that is anything happen he could block it.

At first we were using the tracker to get to them but it led to a room filled with weapons. 

"Of course they would take his gauntlets away, they are villains not idiots." I scoffed. Kirishima agreed with me and we started down the long hall way with at least twenty door. Almost every door was locked so I had to freeze the lock and break it.

"Oh Shoto, I see you are here again to find your friend." I turned to face Dabi. He was smirking and holding some sort of remote.

"What the hell is that?" I asked as Kirishima activated his quirk and I got ready to dodge.

"It won't hurt you, just your friends." He pressed the button and me and Kirishima held our breaths. There was a banging of chains in one of the rooms behind him.

"Fucking asshole!" We heard a muffled hoarse voice yell. I looked at Kirishima who seemed shocked and then furious.

"What the hell did you do to them!?" Kirishima yelled stepping closer to Dabi. I guess hearing his boyfriend in pain really made him upset.

"Get closer and I'll do it again." Dabi threatened, Kirishima backed up a little. How can we get the remote away from him without him hurting the other two? Maybe if we piss him off he will charge us or put the remote down.

"No wonder our father didn't want a sorry excuse of a son like you. He may be blinded by pride but he clearly could see through your sorry ass. You can't even beat us with your own quirk you have to hide behind a remote. Quit being a little bitch and fight us." I growled at him. 

As I was expected he burst into flames, melting the remote. He charged at me, his fire growing in size. Kirishima activated his quirk and kept himself from getting burnt while helping me fight. I tried using my ice to keep him away from me but he kept melting it or shattering it.

My fire had little to no effect on him so I continue to dodge and use my ice on him. Kirishima kept trying to get closer to him but kept getting pushed back by the fire. I was most defiantly over using my quirk and I could tell Kirishima was too. I think Dabi noticed.

He started by weakening Kirishima, by hitting him over and over with fire. I tried to help but wasn't doing any damage. Eventually Kirishima started to get burned. Dabi got close and kicked Kirishima in the stomach sending him into a wall. 

Dabi then turned his focus on me. I used my ice to create a wall between us but he just melted it. I continued to throw ice at him trying to get him to slow down but the fire he was producing was melting the ice before it hit him. I wasn't able to do anything but dodge. He charged at me again with his fists up. 

He landed a flaming punch on my arm. I groaned and grabbed my arm in pain. He flipped over my head and kicked me in the back. I fell to the ground, he pinned my arms down so I couldn't use my quirk.

"Time to die, brat." He growled at me. I closed my eyes waiting for impact but it never came. There was a thud and I immediately spun around to see Kirishima pinning Dabi down. It looked like Kirishima hit Dabi over the head knocking him out. 

"T-thanks." I stuttered. Kirishima nodded and got up off of Dabi. I got up and we started walking down the hall to the door we heard Bakugo from. I froze the lock and Kirishima broke the door open. 

The room was pitch black. We could only see because of the light from the hallway. What we saw was expected but a little worse. Midoriya was the first one we saw chained up to the back wall. His head was down and his hair was matted with blood. He had scars, stab wounds, burns, bruises, anything you can think of.

Bakugo didn't look too bad compared to Midoriya. He was also chained to the wall but he was looking at us. His face was bruised and he had a little blood coming from some cuts. He was leaning against the wall for support and looked extremely weak. 

Kirishima ran to Bakugo's side using his quirk to break the chains. I started running over to MIdoriya but saw him flinch so I slowed down to a walk.

"H-he doesn't remember anything." Bakugo said white rubbing his neck where the collar was. I walked up to Midoriya and knelt down so I could see his face. He wouldn't look up at me or move. 

"Midoriya, do you remember me? I'm Todoroki, we fought at the sports festival. I was with you when you got captured." I was cut off by Bakugo.

"I've been trying to get him to remember for hours now. Just grab him and lets get out of here." He sighed. Kirishima helped him get up and they walked out of the room. 

I broke he chains off f Midoriya trying not to scare him too much. I took the collar off of his neck and got the quirk cancelling cuffs off of his wrists. I slowly picked him up bridle style as to not hurt or reopen any of his cuts. 

He still didn't move in my arms as I carried him out. He was conscious but he wasn't moving or speaking. Did they brainwash him?  I brushed his hair out of his eyes and he flinched again. I felt so bad for him.

"Todoroki! Get him outside and into an ambulance." Aizawa yelled at me. I nodded and took him out to the paramedics. I wouldn't let them take him from my arms so I carried him into the ambulance and sat next to him the whole time. 

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