Chapter 7

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A week has passed and I have not seen or heard from Aiden. I know what I said was harsh but I couldn't help how I felt. It was my mistake for opening up to him but it was also wrong to go crazy psycho girl on him.

I decided today is the day. I am going to get the courage to walk next door to his mom's house and apologize. Yes, that is exactly what I am going to do. I continued the pep talk as I walked downstairs, on my way down I yelled to mom and dad that I was stepping out and that I would he back for dinner.

I started walking up the sidewalk to Aiden's mom's house and knocked on the door waiting for him to answer. There was no answer, I was becoming impatient and started to walk away.

" Can I help you?" A lady with blonde hair and beautiful hazel eyes greeted me with a smile. I can see the same expression of hope within her eyes that resembles Aiden's. This must be his mother.

"Hi you must be Mrs James, Aiden's Mom. I am Danielle." I ramble on as my nerves get the best of me. There is an awkward pause between us that made me uncomfortable real quick.

"Please call me Charlotte." She smiled.

" Charlotte, is Aiden here? I really need to speak to him." I said as the nerves began to come back again.

"Oh dear I am sorry Aiden has already left to live with his dad. Was he expecting you?" Charlotte asked looking concerned.

"No ma'am I just didn't realize he was leaving so soon." My heart dropped. I was so harsh to him before he left. He didn't deserve that.

"Can you give Aiden my number the next time you talk to him. I would like to tell him I am sorry." I plea

Charlotte walked into her house and stepped right back out with a pen and some paper. I wrote down my number and told her thank you before walking back towards my house.

A week has passed since Danielle told me how she really felt.

"Aiden please stop we both know all you like to do is play games and guess what. I am not interested."

"I am not interested" played in my head over and over. I just can't seem to figure out why she thinks I was playing her. I am not that type of guy. I like to joke around and tease but damn I would never give false hope to a relationship or lead anyone on.

Being back home doesn't feel the same without my mom here. I also miss being able to look out the kitchen window and see Danielle whenever I want. Shit, Aiden get it together she's not into you. I became frustrated and I grabbed my guitar doing what I do best to distract myself. I played the melody over and over again and was caught off guard when my mom calls.

"Mom is everything okay?" I ask her.

"Yes sweetheart I am calling because a pretty young lady came by asking about you today." I instantly think of Danielle. Lost in my own thoughts my mom becomes frantic

"Aiden did you hear me? The neighbor girl came by today."

"I'm sorry mom, what did you say about the girl that came by?" I was listening carefully to get all the details.

"Danielle came by and seemed worried about you. She gave me her number to give you if you would like." She paused.

Hell yes I want her number.

"That would be awesome. Thank you." I respond and waited for her to give me Danielle's number.

I was sitting at the dining room table with mom and dad eating chicken alfredo, when my phone buzzed. I looked down at the screen and it was a number I didn't recognize. My thoughts went straight to Aiden.

The message read; Hey stranger, I heard you went to check on me today. Did you miss me? - Aiden

My stomach starts doing flips and I respond;
Aiden I am so glad you decided to message me after what I said to you. I am so sorry, please forgive me.

I waited patiently for a response and realized mom and dad were both looking at me concerned.

"May I be excused?" I asked and they both nod.

I ran straight upstairs to my room and shut the door. I checked my phone and there was another message.

Don't worry Danielle I forgive you but I think you owe me. with a wink emoji this time.

That's Aiden for you. I laughed as I enjoyed having Aiden acting like himself. I sat there trying to come up with response that didn't involve owing him or doing a favor. Whatever he had in mind I could not resist to find out.

Yes, Aiden I owe you big time! Say the word and I'll do it.

I hit the send button waiting anxiously for a reply. Danielle what have you gotten yourself into.

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