Chapter 28

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"I would like that," Danielle says and my heart begins to race. I was ecstatic. We started walking down the sidewalk to her house as our hands brushed against each other. What I would do to hold her hand in mine.

"Okay I am going to go upstairs and put my dress up. I will be right back." Danielle says and I fake pout to see if she would invite me into her room to see her dress.

"You can come up if you want" she says nonchalantly

Hell yes I want to do. I nod and follow her. Danielle's room is just as it was the last time I was there. I know Danielle is not big on changes of any kind so I don't know why I am surprised.  I notice the dress on her bed but in the corner of my eye I see a picture frame on her desk. The picture is of us.

How come I never seen this picture? I thought

"So what do you think" Danielle asks shyly holding her dress up against herself.

"You will look beautiful. I just know it!" I tell her as I was trying to figure out how to ask her about the picture.

"So your room hasn't changed much since I was here last." I say casually

"Nothing is different."she says confused.

"I noticed something In here that I've never seen before." I reply as I waited for her to take my bait

"I don't understand." She says and I can see the confusion written all over her face.

"The picture" I point grinning like a little kid.

"Oh crap you weren't supposed to see that." Danielle tells me as she frantically goes to her desk.

"Now why would you hide something like that?" I whispered blocking her from getting to the picture.

"I didn't want you to mock me for having a picture of us. I just couldn't get rid of it."

I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Babe that makes me so happy. I would never mock you for showing off our relationship." I naturally reach towards her to give her a hug.

I didn't even care at this point calling her babe. I don't regret talking about our relationship as if it still exists because to me it was everything.

I couldn't help but smile when Aiden called me babe. After everything we have been through we always seem to find our way back to each other. Thoughts of Stephanie and Aiden in bed together begin to flood my mind. I can't stop all the thoughts and it causes me to doubt everything. How can Aiden tell me he loves me and do that to me. Aiden notices the change in my mood.

"I shouldn't of said babe. I am sorry." Aiden apologizes

I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say

"You still have doubts in me don't you'" Aiden asks as sadness fills his face.

"I don't doubt what we had was real. I just don't understand how come you would ruin it by being with her." I sighed. I wasn't ready to have another argument

"Your right what we had was the realest thing I have ever experienced. I fucked up big time and ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me. I should have stayed with you that night. That was my first mistake. My second mistake was drinking at Stephanie's party because I felt sorry for her and for myself. My last mistake that night was letting her sleep in my bed, but make no mistake Danielle, I did not sleep with her."

That was not the reaction or apology I had expected. I sighed once realization hit me, that maybe I overreacted about the situation just like Aiden did with my situation with Matt.

"I guess we both need to learn to talk things through better." I chuckled

"I can do that." Aiden smiles as he runs his hand through my hair. "Speaking of talking things through. Do you have a date to the prom?"

I was speechless.

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