Chapter 23

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I arrived to my father's house. I am caught off guard to see that there is a party going on. Shit I forgot, Stephanie always throws a party at my house around her birthday. Stephanie insists on throwing a party at my house because I have a pool and being so close to the beach but I know she always has other intentions . I attempt to get back in my car to get the hell out of there but I was too late.

"Aiden! You made it." Stephanie screams as she runs down the sidewalk.

Shit shit shit.

"Hey Stephanie I was just leaving." I said inching closer to my car.

" You can't leave yet silly. You just got here." I could tell she has been drinking.

Leave it to my alcoholic dad to throw a party for underage drinking.

"Come on Aiden it's my birthday. The least you could do is have a drink with me." Stephanie pouts

" Okay, one drink." I give in and I notice the smile appear on her face.

What could one drink hurt right? I followed her into my house. That was my first mistake of the night.

I made my way to the kitchen and Stephanie handed me a drink. I looked around and noticed majority of the people at the party were guys from my school. Shit, Danielle wasn't joking when she said no one liked her.

I felt bad for this sad girl in front of me. We have practically grown up together with our dads being so close friends. I decided to be a good friend and ask her to dance with me. Stephanie immediately lit up with excitement. We danced to a pretty steady beat song which was good because I sure as hell didn't offer to dance to a slow song.

After a few songs, I noticed I had way too much to drink during that time. I had to sit down on the couch. The guys I was on the surf team with kept the drinks coming and I am terrible at telling my guys no. I wanted to numb the pain I had from thinking about Danielle. That was my second mistake.

Stephanie was trying to say something but I couldn't hear her. Stephanie then reaches for my hand and gestures me to follow her. I followed her only to get away from the loud music playing in the background that was starting to give me a terrible headache. We both walked up the stairs, down the hall to my room. That was my third and final mistake of the night.

I woke up sometime in the middle of the night and began searching for my phone. I wanted to check the time and see if Danielle tried to get ahold of me.

Danielle I thought, the memories of the night started to flood in. Our dinner being interrupted by Matt. When I dropped Danielle off at her house knowing she was seconds from crying. Running into Stephanie at my dad's house.

Oh fuck! I looked over and Stephanie was sleeping on my bed. Shit this can't be happening. I jumped out of bed as quickly and quietly as possible. I ran downstairs into the living room . I was stopped in my tracks when i see there was a guy sitting on the couch. I think his name is John or Jim or something. He was just sitting there still drinking away. I walked over to the guy.

"Hey dude, your dad sure can throw an awesome party." He slurred

"Have you seen my phone." I asked, knowing there is a good chance he won't even understand a word I am saying.

"Oh yeah, I was supposed to tell you a girl called. I can't remember her name, but don't worry I told her you were upstairs with Stephanie." He says

"You said what?" I yelled as I picked him up. I was frustrated and I was ready to kick his ass.

"What the hell dude?" He stammered.

This guy obviously doesn't really the issue he has created. Why the hell would he tell Danielle I was with Stephanie? I know I can't be mad at him, I did this to myself. I decided to put the guy down , he nods as he recovers quickly and hands me my phone.

I ran out the door and drove straight to Danielle's house. I made it to Georgetown around 3 am, I contemplated waiting until the morning to talk to her but fuck that I was a coward when I dropped her off earlier that night. This time I am going to man up and talk to her now. I had to fix this and quick.

I began throwing rocks at her window to get her attention. I threw about five before Danielle stumbled to the window. My heart sank as I realized that Danielle looked terrible. I felt like shit because I know I did this to her. I had to man up and do something quick so I decide to wave at her to come outside. What she did next, I never thought she would do.

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