Chapter 15

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A sound coming from my window startles me and causes me to wake up. I get out of bed and walk across the room and look out the window. Aiden?

Aiden was standing outside looking upset and my heart drops. Aiden points at his phone signaling me to look at mine. I grab it off the desk and I had 20 missed calls and 5 text messages.

8:00 am - Danielle where are you?

8:10 am - I am getting worried please call me.

8:30 am - I talked to my dad. I am on my way.

9:30 am - Danielle I just got into town, I'll be right there.

9:45 am - I am outside your house.

Crap! I rushed out of my room and down the stairs attempting to make myself look halfway decent. I had no idea what I was going to say or do when I made it outside.

"Danielle!" Aiden says sounding relieved. "I was so worried when I woke up and you were nowhere to be found."

I sighed still not sure how this was going to go.

"Why are you here Aiden?" I ask and he doesn't respond.

"You said you talked to your dad in one of your messages so you know that he doesn't approve of us."

"I could give two shits what my dad thinks." Aiden snaps at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Seriously Aiden, your Dad has a point. I am not good enough. You practically have everything you could ever want handed to you on a silver platter." I am looking down as I finish my sentence.

"Everything except one thing." Aiden whispers.
I looked up at him, and by his facial expression I know he is sincere."Danielle none of it would be worth it if I didn't have you." Aiden wraps his arms around me and my heart exploded.

"Aiden don't say that. We just met each other a couple of months ago." Aiden makes the time out motion.

"Danielle you can't even look me in the eyes when you say that. If you can tell me that none of this was real and that you don't feel the same I will leave." Aiden challenges me

I couldn't do any of it. I can't deny how I feel but I know I would be crazy to admit it as well. I have been holding onto my emotions for so long that I begin to cry.

"I can't" I screamed.

"Don't cry baby, I didn't bring this up to make you cry." He lifts my face to his and kisses me gently.

" I am scared Aiden. This is all new for me and the not knowing scares the crap out of me."  I plea

"I know babe and to be honest It scares the hell out of me too." He says as he pushes my hair out of my face.

We both stood there a moment not sure what to say. Aiden reaches for my hand and goes down on one knee. Oh my god!

"Danielle will you make me the happiest man alive and be my Girlfriend."

I must have looked like a blubbering idiot because I couldn't stop laughing hysterically.

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