Chapter 3 - XPLR

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"holy shit what the fuck!!!" I scream while hanging on to the side of the building for my life. I'm not sure if the noise was people coming up the ladder or just a bird hitting the side of the building but no one can hear me from here anyway. I wait only a couple of seconds before I hear more noises that sound like a few people climbing up the ladder. There are a million things running through my mind at once literally anyone could be coming up here and who knows what could happen, it could be cops who saw me hanging out up here, just some kids, or even a drug addict or someone that could hurt me. I can hear a couple voices as the get closer to the top but I can't make out what they are saying only that it sounds like guys. I weigh my options for a bit before remembering that I'm literally dangling off the side of the building 200 feet in the air.


I'm not sure if they can even hear me yet but it doesn't stop me from repeatedly yelling "HELP" over and over again until I finally receive a reply,

"Hello? who's there?" a confused voice yells out to me.

"uh hey yeah I'm kind of hanging over here, can you help me out?" a deep breathe cuts through every few words as I start to get tired holding on to the edge.

"Holy shit" another voice says as a boy with blue dyed hair looks over the edge meeting his blue eyes with mine, "Sam we have to help her quick!"

Just then the boy named Sam appears behind him and although he is considerably smaller he holds onto the blue haired boys waist as he bends over and grabs my hand to hoist be back onto the roof. The momentum of him pulling me up causes him to fall to his back pulling me on top of him.

I'm still in shock at what just happens so I just lay there on top of him while he searches my face with his eyes to see if I'm okay. I finally snap out of it and realize I'm laying on top of a stranger when he reaches his hand up to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"Oh uh thanks," I mumble peeling myself off of him and stand up to my feet, but my knees fail me and buckle so he has to reach out to steady me before I regain my balance.

"Hey I think you should take a seat, that was kind of intense," The boy named Sam asks me but he stares at his friend who's eyes won't leave mine.

"Here let me help you," the other boy grabs my arms lowering me to sit back onto the roof, "my name is Colby by the way and this is Sam."

"Hey I'm River" I reply with a quiet voice.

"Are you okay? What happened over there?" Sam asks I can tell by his hesitation and the way they are looking at me that they think it's possible I tried to jump.

"Well I was standing on the edge just hanging out when I heard you guys coming up and it scared the hell out of me that I fell." Just as I tell them the story of what happened I remembered my dropped phone, Bex is going to kill me.

"Can I use one of your phones to call my best friend? I kind of dropped mine" I ask the boys.

"You can use mine," Colby hands me his iPhone.

"Thank you." I dial Bex number silently thanking her for making me memorize it when we were 12. Just as I expected the first two times I call it goes to voicemail before she picks up right away on the third call.

"hello? who is this?" my best friend says over the speaker.

"Bex! It's River"


"Shh I know you're mad but I broke my phone I'll be home soon I promise."

I hang up before she can berate me with more questions about my whereabouts. As I hand Colby his phone back I apologize in advance for all the calls he will surely be receiving from Bex about me.

I take a deep breathe for what feels like the millionth time since I've been here, so much for a clear head right?

I almost forget I'm not alone for a second until I feel Sam and Colby's stares burning into the side of my face. I look at the strangers with confusion until I remember they literally saved my life only minutes ago.

"So what exactly are you guys doing here? I didn't think anyone was brave enough to come up here." I ask the boys taking notice to the camera and matching XPLR shirts they are both wearing for the first time.

"Well we make Youtube videos going to abandoned and haunted places, a viewer suggested this place and it was so close to where we lived, we figured we'd give it a shot. It's really rare we run into other people exploring though, I'm really sorry we scared you," Sam explaned to me as Colby nods along to his friend.

"oh that's pretty cool I guess."

"Enough about us what are you doing up here?" Colby asks me with a small smirk on his face, he really is attractive but I know those Youtuber guys really aren't my type.

A/N: YAY PART 3!!!!!!!

This one was a lot longer yay I hope you're enjoying!!!!! I should maybe have part 4 out later tonight but maybe tomorrow morning who knows either way see you then and don't forget to vote and comment. ILY


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