Chapter 2 - Hold On

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I park my street bike between a couple of bushes outside of the abandoned sky scrapers that I have been going to since high school. I've been here so many times but somehow always seem to feel nervous about trying to get in. Getting to the only ladder leading to the top of the tallest tower is hardest part. It's visible to an active highway and so many of the people I grew up with have been caught trying to make it to the top. But never me, I know my way around this place so well I'll never get caught.

About halfway through my climb I take a second to breathe, lean my head back looking at the highway, open fields, and other smaller abandoned structures that surround me 100 feet below me.

Finally I reach the top and I'm greeted by the comforting silence that is, as I like to call it, the most quiet place in California, has to offer. I find the side of the building away from the highway that faces a beautiful view of open fields and wildflowers. I take a seat on the edge of the building and let my feet dangle over a 200 foot drop. Absorbing the beautiful view I take a deep breathe and let my mind clear like it always does when I'm here. I've been here hundreds of times but each time it feels like the first.


I don't realize how long I have been sitting here in silence until I grab my phone from my backpack and finally turn it back on. It's now 2:30 pm and I have 20 missed calls and texts from Bex. I should probably head back and get ready anyway and I guess it could be fun to have her entertainment now that my mind is feeling a little more on track. I stand up and walk along the edge like a tightrope. I've done this so many times but every time I look down I can't help but imagine what it would feel like to fall.

Just as I am about to call her back a loud noise coming from the ladder startled me and I lose my balance. The foot keeping me stable slips off the edge and by pure luck itself, I manage to grab hold of the edge and watch my phone fall 200 feet down to its death.

A/N: bit of a cliffhanger hehe but hope you enjoyed!!!!!

I'll try to make them a little longer I honestly think I could've combined part 1 & 2 but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


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