Relationship palaver😪

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       'I ain't doing this ever' I said to myself.
With all the trouble in it? Nah!! Never.
Now this got me thinking.
Let's rewind back a bit to the astonishing events that happened the past few days.
     I told you about Ashante new friend, Carson. Well,  after few days of knowing each other, they started dating. Fast right? I tried taking her out of it but she kept on defending herself with ' true love doesn't depend on the time/ place, it just happens. There's no need to waste time'. I let her do what she wanted. She's my best friend. Accepting her decisions is part of the job requirements.
 Ruth also had a boyfriend. I didn't tell you this earlier because I felt it wasn't important. Well, it is now. Ruth was dating James. I didn't see what she loved about him though. I had to take things the way they were.  They'd been arguing alot, Ruth coming home with bruises all the time. I figured he was hitting her. I tried to talk her into calling the police but she kept on saying he'd change. 'Man of change' I called him. it wasn't my relationship neither was it my responsibility to care about people's relationship issues.  I got mine too, you know😑.

  One sunny afternoon. Someone came visiting. I was the only one home so I wore something short and free in order to properly rest because the day's work was quite hectic.
I opened the door and I saw 'Man of Change'. Remember James, Ruth's boyfriend.
He walked in, like it was his house. I had no say because, it was Ruth's boyfriend. He was like the master and Ruth the mistress and I the distant relative 😒.
'Ruth's not home' I said going back to the door so he could go. We weren't friends either. Who would want to be friends with someone who hits a lady!!!
   Hmmm. He said, looking round the house.
'Do you know where she went to? I need to see her. It's something urgent'.
  'School, shes not yet back'. I said rolling my eyes. For God's sake, please leave. I thought. I didn't want to get him upset. Getting him upset would upset Ruth too who in turn will upset me. I wasn't the mood for any display of emotions.
     Alright, he said walking towards me. I leaned to open the door, when I felt his hands on mine. 'What's going on here?'  I said already  angered.
He came closer, and tried kissing me. I slapped him.
'You are indeed a fool'.' A worthless He-goat:.
You have no atom of sense In your body.' 'Insidous fool you are'. 'How dare you?
'Have you no respect for Ruth'? 'Or should I say, you're punching bag'?
The next time you try this rubbish I'll shout rape. Fool'😤  I shouted angrily at me.
  James chuckled, 'your breasts bounce
when you are angry'. 'Not a word to Ruth. You know what I can do'. He said this, opened the door and left.
   I locked the door and rained all the abuses I knew. Nothing could be done. Even if I tell Ruth, she wouldn't believe and would have the thought that I wanted to steal her man from her.
Ha!!! I don't want that o....I said loudly and lay on the bed to rest.
Next thing I heard, was my phone ringing. It was Ashante. I answered eager to speak to her but instead of _'sup sister' I heard sobs.
She was speaking in a language I couldn't comprehend. It was not pidgin, it was probably igbo
'Calm down baby, what's wrong? Anxious to hear what happened, I kept on asking.
Until she finally spoke up.
'Carson broke up with me' Ashante said crying louder.
My heart melted as I heard those words.
Melted for Ashante's cries, Furious for letting my baby cry.
'who is he? , 'How dare he'?  'Babe stop crying, it's definitely not worth it.'
This wasn't meant to be, that's why it didn't work out'. 'Stop crying'. 'Be strong'. 'Should I come over'? I asked.
'No, don't stress yourself, I'll be okay'.
She said and hung up.
I couldn't sleep again. All these in one day?
    I called Ashante later that night. She was okay. Even giggling but we all know, behind that smile, there are eyes full of tears.

  Back to Ruth. Ruth wasn't home. 10:45pm, she still wasn't back. It was unlike her.
11:20pm, ha!!!where has this girl gone to?
11:45pm, I heard a knock, it was Ruth, all drunk.
Get out!!! She shouted at me. You person.
You too betrayed me. I heard it all!!! Everything. He wanted to sleep with you?
   Oh!!! Now I get it, she probably heard all that transpired between James and I.
What's up with this?
Why' s every body heartbroken today?
It's probably boy's day.
Before I could say anything you fell on the bed and slept off..... I quickly removed her shoe and unbuttoned her shirt with the hope of narrating to her all that happened. I did not want any misunderstanding.

   I know how relationship' s can be. But with all I've seen today.. I ain't doing that ever. Why enter a relationship if you know you won't be able to respect your partner and remain faithful?
Is this what I LOVE YOU MEANT?

Thanks for reading... I haven't been able to write, due to some issues.
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Thank you and read on😊

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