A Ball

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Keefe's POV

Formal events were never really my thing.

I would usually just bother Biana or Fitz, but Biana was hanging out with her "boyfriend", (they keep denying it but they ain't foolin anyone.) and Fitz was nowhere to be seen, he was probably swooning a poor girl without even knowing, even if he is, he really needs some lessons from me. I mean, have you seen how much Foster is falling for me?

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I've always hated these "balls", but mother dearest would always tell me to "Stop complaining, you'll bother your father." And the outfits! Oh god the outfits, I don't need a suit to show I'm amazing. But they are tight and uncomfortable. Today's ball was about.....  actually i have no idea, i was paying zero attention to anything dear old dad was saying.

I take one look around and notice right away that Foster is nowhere to be seen, and its not like she's not here because Grady and Edaline were over there

Were her and Fitz....

No, no they wouldn't be.

And if they were i was sooooo 3rd wheeling

I take another look and this time see a long hallway

I'm sure dear old dad won't care if I disappear for a while.

I walk down the hallway and start feeling strong waves of emotions

Hehe, found her.

I turn a corner on my left, on to a balcony

I see Foster with her feet off the edge, and somehow she was more beautiful then usual

Her hair was kept in a high bun with two pieces on the side of her head. The moon light shining perfectly off her dress, which was a mint green with of the shoulder sleeves. Her bodice was a shimmering, it was a little bit darker then the rest . The skirt part was a minty green tulle with silk under the tulle. The dress cut below her knees

Foster never fails to amaze me

I clear my throat. "So, I'm guessing you managed to escape the wrath of Gigantor?"

She laughs. "Yeah, he let me go here alone. He's waiting outside the party, i guess he didn't think that i might run off on my own."

She turns her head to me, like I always say, Foster gets more beautiful the more you look at her.

Her lips were a pale shiny pink. Her brown eyes shined in the moon light, reflecting the golden specks. A slight mint green in the corner of her eyes, complete with a perfect winged eyeliner.

"Woah." I say while looking into her eyes

"What?" She says while knitting her eyebrows. "Did i smudge it?"

"No Foster, you look perfect." (aye lil flashback easter egg)

Her face goes nuclear and she looks back at the stars

"They're beautiful." She says as i sit down beside her.

"Not as beautiful as you." I say


"I'm just telling the truth." I say

A small smile creeps across her face

"What were stars like in the human cities?" I ask

Her smile turns into a frown

"I could never see them. There was to much light pollution."

"Light pollution?"

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