In the Limelight

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Ferriday, Leeland, and Smith huddle around the small campfire they've built on the beach. Leeland holds the message in his hands.
"I don't understand, who is Levi?" Asked Ferriday. Leeland shrugged.
"Maybe it's like Clue where the guy gets everyone together so he can murder people and not get caught." Smith smiles. He has the camera rolling again and begins to film the two discussing the events.
"A sinister note, a deserted island, and one question. Why were we compelled to come to this island?" He narrates. The other two glare at him. He's been narrating and filming for several minutes. Every time they do something interesting he whips out the camera to capture it.
"Will you give it a rest with the camera, dude?" Leeland asks exasperatedly. Smith sighs and pushes the power button.
"Fine, but this could be excellent footage for a portfolio! You're missing out, Mr. Thatcher." He quips. "So where are we going to sleep tonight?" The other two look at him. It's nearly sunset and it looks like they've run out of light to build with. But then Ferriday points to something on the edge of the sand, something that wasn't there when they explored the rocky coast. A wrecked ship rests against some rocks. The trio look at each other and quickly approach the vessel. Inside the suspicious hull, all that appears to remain, there are five bedrolls and a plastic tarp. But most disturbing is the note, on crisp white paper, reading 'ache axed unmix'.
    "Oh my god."says Ferriday. "Th-Three words with nothing in common!" She begins to hyperventilate. Leeland les d closer to examine the supplies.
    "There's three of us, so why five bedrolls?" He asks, a sinking feeling in his stomach. What if the cruel gods that plague this world send more people for his introverted mind to cope with?
    "Maybe we can build a crude fortress with the extras!" Smith says. Leeland shakes his head.
    "Yeah, that's probably it." They drag the supplies back to their small camp. Ferriday is still holding the note. She tears it into three, then starts to rearrange the words, trying to make sense of them. Soon, it is too dark and she gives up. Smith and Leeland have rigged a small tent like structure to sleep in, and they crawl inside, avoiding contact with the virtual strangers around them.

    When dawn comes, the three are hungry. Very hungry. "Can we get something to eat?" Asks Smith. Leeland nods.
    "Yes, we'll split up. Let's see, Smith can you fish?" He shakes his head.
    "No but I can shimmy up trees. I had to do it for a shimmy jimmy commercial. I was Jimmy, and-" "Okay, okay," Leeland says, cutting him short, "you can go get limes." Ferriday cuts in.
    "As part of our End of the World thing, our parents taught us how to fish. I can do it with my hands, so I can go do that. Why don't you find water, Leeland?" They agree on this schedule, and set out to preform their tasks. Smith climbs the nearest lime tree. He picks one, then looks around for somewhere to put it. He lets go of the tree, holding on with his legs only, and peers around. He sees a small hollow in the tree, and reaches for it to put the limes in. Suddenly, a light reflects into his eyes, ironically from his own camera.
    "Argh!" He cries, and falls from the tree with a sickening thud. Leeland and Ferriday come running.
    "Oh no! No no no no!" Ferriday yells "You may have been a pain in the butt, but you were our pain in the butt!" Leeland hangs his head. Suddenly, a loud crash startles them. They turn around slowly. Another boat has hit the rocky shore. A small rowboat, this time, cracked beyond repair. Aboard it are three figures, and a familiar looking note.

I wasn't going to let you get the numbers down that easy. Here are three replacements for that bozo, although he died the way he wanted to live. Have some fun with this Ache Axed Unmix.

Levi Pedoct

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