Double Whammy

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The young man and woman, it turned out, were sneaking away from their tour group. They claimed they were sneaking away because the group was giving off weird, robotic vibes. They went to find the tour group, excited, but after searching for hours they had found neither hide nor hair of the group.
"We've found neither hide nor hair of the group and we've looked for hours!" Complained Sven. Ferriday rolled her eyes.
"But they didn't have hides, they were definitely people!" Complained the woman. The man rubbed her shoulders.
"It's just an expression, dear." He said.
"So mind telling us your names?" Asked Laina. She was always saying insensitive things like that.
     "I'm Meleaan and this is Kiki." Said the man, gesturing to himself then his wife.
     "Great, Great, but we really need to get back to camp. We're going to miss sundown, and then we'll be in the jungle in the dark." Ernesto said. So they got up and began to walk in the direction of the beach. When they broke out of the tree cover they noticed they were on the wrong stretch of beach. So they kept walking. And walking. And walking.
     "I feel like we've been moving forever!" Whined Sven.
     "Don't complain, complaining wastes oxygen." Responded Leeland. He had been quiet the whole time. He stopped suddenly and gestured to Ferriday.
     "Did you notice something?" He Asked. "I think we're at the camp."
     "No, that can't be right, we'd see the tent." He pointed.
     "The tent sat right over there, by the shockingly large blue bird." She followed his sight line.
    "Oh my god! You're right." She ran over and began to dig her way through the sand. They all joined in, even Kiki and Meleaan.
     "I don't mean to be rude, but, like, why are we digging here?" Asked Kiki. Ferriday gave her an annoyed look.
     "This is where our tent used to be." She replied patiently, "And when something weird happens around here there's usually a note or message of some kind."
     "You wouldn't be referring to me, would you?" Asked a voice from behind. They wheeled around. There was no one there but a shockingly large blue bird. Ernesto stared at it, and then had an epiphany. He scrambled over to Ferriday.
     "Do you still have the ache, axed unmix paper?" He whispered. She nodded and handed him the paper. He ripped it by letters, like the Levi Pedoct note, and began to rearrange it. He got as far as this:

Ache axed unmix

E, xed, ux

I say he got that far because the large blue bird freaked out. It hit him with its' wings, pecked him with its' beak, and finally flew off with him firmly glassed in its' talons.
"That's what you get when you look into mysteries too early!" It called as it flew away. Ernesto screamed. They all looked at each other.
"What the heck just happened?" Asked Sven. Ferriday shook her head.
"Let's see what he was trying to figure out." They looked at the words, screwing with the letters but they couldn't figure it out.
"I just don't get it. None of these letters make any English word I know of, and it's not like we have a dictionary handy." Laina Said with frustration.
"Maybe it's not English, I mean, I speak Klingon and that doesn't look like English." Sven contributed. Ferriday shook her head.
"No, there's only one way to settle this." She said. "We need to go ask Ernesto what he thinks."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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