Ch. 1

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(A/N: hi I hope y'all love this new story as much as I do, thank you so much for reading it and voting on it and commenting etc!)

*backstory: Sam is an only child living with his parents Aimee and Kyle. He finds some news and goes on a journey*

No time Skip Bc it's a new story

Sams POV

"So, honey, how was school"? My mom asked as I shoveled another forkful of tuna noodle casserole into my mouth. Since I was chewing and it's been drilled into my mind countless times (over and over and over again) that you do not chew and talk at the same time because it's disgusting and rude and unnecessary and no one will date you, I stayed silent but nodded and pointed to my mouth, indicating that I heard her and was gonna answer once I was done eating. I finished chewing and cleared my throat before speaking. "Fine." I replied. She seemed quite underwhelmed by my answer, I guess me pausing led her to believe I had some massive ass story to tell or something, but nope. It was fine. Just fine. Usual. Mundane. Dull. Boring. Routine. Just like every other day really. Anyway, I finished up my food and headed upstairs.

Time Skip to the next day

Sams POV

It was 6:45 am the next day when I awoke for school. I had to be at school at 8:00, so I had an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready before I had to be there. Keeping this in mind, I decided to immediately get ready so I then had plenty of time to relax afterwards.

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