That Tratior...

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3rd person
Warning: Blood
Words: 855
Requested by: no one
Categories: 🖤 & 🔪
Ships: a bit of KiriBakuKami

I will take requests, just let me know what ship you want or give me a sentence and I'll turn it into a chapter!

Class 1-A stood at the top of the stairs of the USJ, listening to their sleep deprived teacher. Bakugou and Kirishima wasn't listening though, they were trying to find one of their classmates.

Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari built up a relationship between themselves. Well, Kirishima and Kaminari wouldn't stop following Bakugou everywhere and made him participate in out-of-class activities. Making the other students think they all became friends.

Bakugou wouldn't call them 'friends', just people he tolerate better then the other dumb extra's. For the previous exercise, Aizawa paired the three of them together. Once they finished, Kaminari was with them one second, but was gone when they turned back around.

"Bakugou, dude." Kirishima whispered, touching his friend's shoulder. "I think we should tell Aizawa-Sensei..."

Bakugou looked at the red head, and nodded sadly. Kirishima nodded back and turned to his teacher.

"What is it Kirishima..?" Aizawa stared at Kirishima, directing all of the attention to the boy.

"Me and Bakugou can't help but to notice..." Kirishima took a quick breath, then looked back to Aizawa. "Where is Kaminari?"

"Come to think about it..." Ojiro started, rubbing his chin. "Where is Sato? I didn't see him come back with us..."

The class exploded with murmers, trying to find out what happened to the two boys. It quickly silenced when they heard and loud "Shut up" from their teacher.

"They are probably talking to each other and forgot that training was over."

As if on cue, the lanky boy crashed into the stairs, as if someone threw him into them. Bakugou, Kirishima, Iida, and Midoriya stepped forward to try and get to him, but a flash of yellow came faster and sat infront of the Pikachu boy.

Sato grabbed Denki by the neck and lifted him up high in the air. Denki yelped and tried to pry his hands off, but Sato just snarled and began to clasp his hand together, choking the poor, lanky, boy.

Denki was gasping for air while still trying to pry Sato's hand from his neck. Sato smiled and only squeezed harder.

"HEY DIABETES!" Sato gave a confused look and look over to his former 'friends'. Bakugou had small explosions erupting from his hands as the rest of the class stood behind him, grimacing. "LET DUNCE-FACE GO BEFORE I FUCKING MAKE YOU!"

Sato smiled again and turned his body to his classmates. "Sure thing." He dropped Denki to the floor then proceeded to stomp on his head and back, basking in the screams that erupted from the boy's mouth.

He was stopped when Bakugou made a very large explosion one centimeter away from his face. The burning causing him to back up.

As Sato tried to get balanced again, he felt his limbs completely stiffen as he was thrown into the air.

Midoriya jumped up to Sato, and kicked him to the ground. Where Aizawa grabbed him with his scarf.

Kirishima, Bakugou, Mina, and Jirou immediately rushed to Kaminari's side after they knew Stao was captured.

"Omg! DenDen, honey are you okay?" Mina grabbed the boy's face who groaned in agony.

"Can you tell where it hurts?" Kirishima and Jirou asked at the same time grabbing one of his hands. Bakugou went behind Kami and made his head rest on his lap.

"It hurts when I try to breath..." Blood stained the hero's in training clothes as Denki sat there, unable to move. He saw Mina's, Kirishima's, and Bakugou's face clearly.

He saw all of them taking to him, but all he heard was a painful ringing that never seemed to end. His whole body felt numb, but also very cold at the same time.

He screamed out in pain as he felt his body move. He couldn't exactly pinpoint what they were doing, but it hurt like hell. He felt the ground change from hard rock, to a cushion like substance.

Breathing also became easier to the stun gun hero, he couldn't help but to wonder what was happening around him. It felt like he was falling but he could see lights and blurry faces. When suddenly, it all went black.


Bakugou and Kirishima watched as Denki got rolled away on a stretcher. They wanted to come with Denki, to comfort him when he woke up, but Aizawa denied their pleas.

A memory flashed by in Kirishima's mind... From the training camp... Watching Midoriya being transferred to the hospital... Not beimg able to help...

"Kirishima..." Kirishima looked up to the boy who put a hand on his shoulder. Bakugou had tears in his eye's, trying so hard to not let them fall. "We can see him when he wakes up. You don't have to worry"

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