Don't Leave Us²

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They reached the cowering boy on the floor. When some of his friends tried to touch him, I watched as he slapped their hands away.

"Don't. Touch me." Kaminari scowled.


Everyone was silent, almost like they were in shock. I wouldn't be surprised, I was too. Was the happiest male in the hero course - well, not exactly 'happy' from what just happened- angry at his closest friends?

"K-Kaminari-Kun, why?" Midoriya asked, tears bubbling up in his eyes. From the look everyone else was wearing, they wanted answers too.

"Why? WHY?!" The boy on his knees let out a bitter, cold chuckle leaning over his knees. I looked up at Tetsutetsu to see a almost horrified look on his face, when we locked eyes, he shrugged and looked back at the laughing boy. "You want to know why?! It's all your guy's fault!"

Kaminari snarled, and if anyone was trying to speak he cut them off. As he looked up, his eyes were danerously glinting with rage. "When was the last time any of you complimented me?! All I hear from you is, 'Can you stop being stupid for once?', 'Even though you're powerful, you always jam your brain.', 'Don't mind him, he's just special.', 'Just wait it out until we tell you to fry yourself Dunce face.', 'His grades are so low, how's he get in U.A? Much less the hero course.', 'I know right? All he can do is just sit there and go dumb. Such a waste of a quirk'."

Everyone in the top class lowered their heads, signalling it was all true. Words couldn't describe how pissed I was. Just as I was about to yell at his 'friends', the sound of a huge sob brought my attention back to Kaminari. "N...not only that... But last night... my father k...killed my two older brothers then himself... They were the only ones who cared about me! They didn't care that the world was based off a hierarchy were the people with the strongest quirks are at the top and people like me are forced to do so much more work just to get on the same level when the people at the top keep moving up! It's not fair!"

He sobbed harder his voice breaking. "I-It's not fair... They didn't deserve to die... And yet, they didn't deserve to live in a world full of hate..." I wrapped my arms around the shaking male in an attempt to comfort him. "T-This world is full of hate, and I'm sick of it... The only place where there's no discrimination is in heaven... A-And that's where I'm going...t.. to see my brothers again..."

I just sat there, not knowing what to do as I pulled him into my chest. Rubbing his back I felt Kaminari hold on to me like his life depended on it. All I could do was wonder, was Kaminari going to get better?


Sorry that was so short. It's almost 2 am. I'm tired. But I had an idea for this and had to get it down before I lost it.

But there's something that's concerning me, and no it's not the Corona. My mom says I'm a Pathetic Dreamer or something. And from what she tells me, it means that I have (almost) the same dream 3 nights in a row and after the third dream, the event happens.

For example:

When I was younger (about 4-5) I had a dream that my mom drove her car off a bridge with me and my brother inside. My brother was in the back, and I was in the passenger seat (this is important to the story I promise). I had almost the same dream in a row just with different scenarios, like one was everyone driving off the bridge cause of something (IDK how I remember that).

But after those three dreams, on the fourth night we were driving home, we just got some MacDonalds, I was in the passenger seat and my brother was in the back. My mom was on the phone talking to our dad, it was raining, and we were on a bridge (the same one from my dreams). When suddenly, my mom hit a slick part on the road and our car started hydroplaning (where the car is stuck spinning).

If it wasn't for my mom, we would've drove off the bridge.

Now back to somewhat the present.

A few weeks ago, in my Science class I had the urge to draw which dosen't really happen. I didn't know what I was drawing, but when I looked at it after I finished it was pretty disturbing. It was a Tsunami hitting a city after what appears to be an earthquake. There was a hand with a watch on it saying "4:40 p.m. Mon. April 26, 2021" and if you check on a calendar, that's an actual date next year. The weirdest part was when I tried to change the time or date, something was just saying "No, no it's 4:40 April 26."

I brushed it off, but the next day I had the same urge. It was in a classroom with a clock on the wall that read somewhere between 2:55 p.m. to 3:00. And the date on the whiteboard was April 26, 2021. I was weirded out cause I didn't feel the urge to draw anymore that day. Until the next day.

So it was the weekend and I was at home when I got the urge again. I drew what looks like a news report but on the bottom it read "1000 injured in 9.9 earthquake and more in tsunami. Long Beach, Washington. April 27, 2021"

So I showed this to my friend and she said, "If this really happens, I'm blaming you." in a jokey matter.

Sooo, the point of this was that: If something happens along the Pacific coast (in the US) on that date... I called it. Don't blame me!

Now what will be really scary is if I have three dreams in a row about an earthquake happening before April 26.

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