Shut up³

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Denki stood in front of the UA dorm building, his new teachers, and now parents; at his side. The moon was up, and judging by the stars position it was around 11p.m. Denki desperately grabbed the new puffy yellow sweater that club to his chest, tied in a knot on the left sleeve.

Aizawa noticed how paranoid Kaminari was and gently lay a hand on his right shoulder. "Don't worry, it's 23:30. Everyone should be asleep by now," Kaminari breathed a sigh of relief. "Except for our insomniacs. Tokoyami and Shinsou. So if anything, you'll just meet one more person today."

Denki nodded as Yamada started walking into the dorms, him following soon after, and Aizawa tailing behind him. Yamada opened the door and let Kaminari through. He'd been here earlier in the day, but that was when everybody was in class, so it startled him when he saw a guy with a bird head staring at him in surprise.

"Hello listener! This is your new classmate, Kaminari Denki!" Yamada said, doing his outrageous hand movements. Tokoyami stood there, like a deer caught in headlights. Surprised at how quickly they changed students.

"I was expecting it to take a week or two, how'd you get a new student so fast?" Tokoyami questioned, Dark Shadow peeking out from behind him.

"Well, I saw him a few weeks ago and convinced the school to take him in," Aizawa started, looking far too tired to function. "I promised Nezu that I'd bring Kaminari here a few days after your previous classmate left."

Tokoyami sighed, extending his hand for a formal greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kaminari, I'm Tokoyami Fumikage..." He trailed off, his voice disappeared as he glanced down at his arms. The arm where Iida was clutching to a few days prior was gone. Tokoyami gasped as he pulled his hand back, putting two and two together.

Kaminari tilted his head in wonder as he examined the bird's face. The other bird behind him smiled and came up to the boy. "Hello! I'm dark shadow! Oh I can't wait to hang out with you! You look really nice!"

"Dark Shadow! Enough!" Tokoyami whispered yelled, afraid of waking a fellow classmate. "We'll be on our way, you probably want some rest. We'll see you tomorrow."

Kaminari nodded and turned back around to only see Aizawa. "Hizashi went to bed. I'll walk you to your room."

Together, the two walked in silence. It was a comfortable silence, one where you feel a tiny bit of securness and safety. They made it to Denki's new room, where they stopped and Aizawa turned to him.

"Hizashi will come pick you up in the morning. The school uniform is in the closet, right in the middle. And you and Hizashi will stop by the Development Studios to pick up your prosthetic arm, then you'll come to class." Aizawa turned on his heels and started walking down the hallway. "Goodnight."

Denki stood in the hallway for a while, staring after his soon to be teacher. Unpacking the load of information he got. Few minutes later, he turned around and opened his room. He went here earlier to decorate his room, and he was pretty proud of himself.

The ceiling was painted a dark blue and had glowing stars stuck to it. Hanging down on tiny strings was a bundle of cotton with lights inside of it, so it looked like a glowing cloud at sunset.

His twin sized bed had a white comforter with an arrange of white to grey pillows, and a medium sized bear plushie sat neatly in the front. Light grey tapestry hang around the bed, covering him from peering eyes. A fluffy white carpet sat in the middle of his room with a small coffee table sat ontop of it.

On the walls hang pictures of weeping willow trees and vines. In the corners of the room was pots full of vines that was climbing up the wall. In the far left corner sat a white vanity and a fancy white cushioned stool in front of it.

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